Untitled Part 1

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Clary's P.O.V.

Me and Jace have benn together for almost 7 months now and I could not be happier. Today was our date night so I was walking my way to the Institute to suprise him an hour early by getting ready with izzy.

When I walk into the institute I go to the lift and press the button for izzy and jaces floor. When I get out I walked to izzys room and pass jaces door on th way when I hear loud grunts and moans comming from the room. I decide to walk up to the room and go into the room. When I walk into the door I am stunned to say the leatst at what I see, Jace is in bed naked with another girl with brown hair.

"Jace?" I manage to croak out.

his head snaps in my direction "clary it's not what it looks like!" I scoff and say

"Jace what it looks like is that you are cheating on me!" I walk to the door and turn around "we're done. I don't want to see you ever again nor here from you" and I walk out.

I got to the ally next t the institute take out my stele while hearing jace calling behind me, I draw a portal and turn around to see jace sprinting shirtless. I hop into the portal and think of getting away.

I land on the floor infront of an institute that say 'Bienvenue à l'Institut français' Lucky I learned a good bit of french over my time in school so I should be able to cope.

I get up and walk to the door and knock. A girl that looks around my age opens the door, she is tall with long brown hair smooth skin brown eyes and a bit taller than me.

"um qui êtes-vous?" Okay so maybe I am not the best at french I failed it a couple of times. She must of gotten my confused expresion cause she laughs and says "who are you?"

I nod and laugh a little aswell "Um I'm clary fray and I came from the new york institute and was wondering if I could stay here for a while?" I ask nervously

"Of coarse! I t would be good to have another girl around. Come on I will show you to your room then we can go to the library and you can meet everyone" I nod to her statement and then ask "Ammm Who else lives here?"

"Oh yeah. Well there is me I'm seventeen I'm amanda by the way, my younger sister amy she's eleven, my twin brother josh, my youngest sister ashley she's seven and my older brother Aaron he's twenty-six and his wife linda but they don't live here." she said I nod " well im seventeen too." she nods and then we are at the library.

When we walk in there is a bunch of people here I'm guessing it's her family.

"Mom, Dad this is clary. clary these are my parents. my mom susan-" she points to a tall slim woman with short red hair and brown eyes and then to a man with a tall build and short brown hair "and my dad mark"

"Hi" I say "Oh hello lovey will you be staying with us at the institute?" susan says I nod "well thats if its okay with you?" "Of coarse you can stay" mark says to me. I thank him with a nod of my head and then they all introduce themselves.

amy has short brown hair cut into a bob and dark green eyes like her father, josh has short black hair with chocolate brown eyes. aaron and linda are also here aaron has long for a guys hair tat is a shiny brown and green eyes then linda has long blonde hair and blue eyes they are all so nice.

after they ask me  why I left new york and I explained they showed me my room that is right across from josh and down the hall to amanda.

----------------------------------TIME LAPS-----------------------------------

Jace's P.O.V.

I still can't believe I cheated on clary I mean I was stupid, she is gone and now every one is looking for her magnus is even doing tracking runes to find her but no luck, I figured she wasn't comeing back for a long while so I decided not to tell the others why she really left, I am staying with that girl sophie that I cheated on clary with but just as a distraction and I here by vow never to break another girls heart again unless I have to. I promise.

-------------------------------TIME LAPS-------------------------------------


Clary's P.O.V.

It's been five years since I left new york and I am now 22 and got married to josh last year. I increased on my shadowhunter skills I am now one of the best shadowhunter of our generation well female that is. and josh is the best male. Me and amanda also beccame parabati.

Josh and I are still living in the institute, as is everyone else aaron and linda had a daughter two years ago they named her anna.

Me and josh are lying in bed when susan knocks on our door "get up you two and get to the library we have some  news"

We both turn to each other and I kiss him on the lips and then it intensifyes and well lets just say we will be a bit late for the meeting.

Once we are done in bed we get up get dressed and head down to the library josh's arm around my waist and my head on his chest as we walk. I am now glad to say I am fully over jace and I don't even love him anymore and have moved on.

When we are in the library we get a few smirks, glares and nervous looks. "what we are newly weds of a year and a half leave us be" josh says I just laugh and sit in his lap on the love seat.

"Okay well we called you here because we are going to a new institute for a while as they have a huge increase in demon population and clary I know you may not like this but it's in new york." mark says

"It's okay I am so over that jackass anyway" I say looking at josh and my stomach. only josh and I know but we found out last week that I am pregnant we haven't told anyone yet we want to keep it to ourselves for a while.

they all nod and then we all stand up "okay pack your stuff and we will leave in a few hours and then clary will you do a portal?" Says susan I nod and we all go upto our rooms to pack.


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