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Harry's back in his room with Dr. Malik. She was checking his g-tube and told him he had infection. "Try some Bactroban for a day or two and see how it turns out alright?", Dr. Malik says and Harry nods. Suddenly his phone chimes and its a reminder for his workout session, "I'll be at the gym.", Harry says and quickly leaves. He takes the lift to the gym and opens the gym to find Louis waiting for him. He smiles at Louis impressed by his punctuality.

Louis takes the treadmill and Harry takes the electric cycle just a few metres away. They're working out glancing at each other every now and then until Louis breaks the silence, "Hey you know this sucks, I have been doing everything you have asked and I've gotten nothing!", Harry smiles and says, "You really want me to talk right after our workout?" "Sure why not?", Louis says trying to convince Harry. "What? No, I'm all gross and smelly.", Harry says. "So what, please", Louis says with puppy says and Harry just cant seem to say no to that so he caves in and agrees. They both then go ahead and finish their workouts.

Once they're done they walk towards the resting area in the gym and sit down, Louis has his notebook in his hands with a pencil dangling between his fingers. Harry sits by the window telling Louis about his childhood as Louis listens to Harry as if he was the only one in the room. Harry pulls out a notebook himself from behind and Louis looks up, "What is that?". Harry looks at Louis saying absolutely nothing. Louis gives him a questioning look and snaps Harry out of his thoughts, "Oh this? Nothing just a few songs i wrote.". Louis smiles and continues writing random words. They both sit and Harry talks for a few hours but he doesn't complain because he likes how Louis listens to him but every childhood memory brought sadness, all he could think of was his sister, Gemma. Soon they're done for the day and Harry goes back to his room thinking about his sister.

Harry's back in his room, sitting in front of his laptop, he has a folder open with a bunch of videos of when his sister was around. He really wants to see those videos but he knows they are only going to bring more sadness. He finally gives in and clicks on a video, his sister's face appears on screen. She's in a green sky-diving suit recording herself. Harry's minds wanders back to the memory, it was his 20th birthday, he wanted to go sky-diving but couldn't because the change in air pressure would make it hard for him to breathe, he felt devastated until Gemma said, "Hey its okay, how about I go sky-diving and I promise I will record every single thing I see.", Harry smiles and nodded because he knew this was the closest he could get to sky-diving anyway. Gemma hated heights but she knew she had to do this for Harry. Harry suddenly snaps out of the memory and realises he had been crying, he wipes off his tears, the memory still in his mind.




Louis in his room, sitting on his table, strumming his guitar and writing something in his notebook. Amy's in his room passing some g-juice through his g-tube when she says as she smiles at him, "I like seeing you like this.", Louis looks up to her and questions, "Like what?" "Hopeful and not so cranky about your treatments", Amy says with a small chuckle and turns around to leave as Louis stops her, "Hey Amy, what if this doesn't work.", he asks her with a little disappointment in his eyes. Amy smiles at him and says, "And what if it does?", Louis doesn't say anything and Amy leaves. He sits on his table scribbling something in his notebook and works for another hour until he decides he needs a break. He decides to give Harry a written snippet of the song and writes a few lines on a piece of paper, draws a small smiley with cross eyes at the bottom, puts it in an envelope, scribbles something on the envelope and walks towards Harry's room. As he reaches Harry's door he quickly bends down and slips the envelope from under the door. He turns around to go back to his room making sure no one would saw him especially Amy.


Harry's in his room watching random youtube videos. Right now he was engrossed in watching this recipe of how to make lemon tarts. Now Harry knew he could never in a million years make those complicated tarts but he still tried to convince himself that it wasn't so hard anyway and that this would be the first thing he attempts to make as soon as he's home. The video is still playing when suddenly he sees someone slip an envelope from under his door. He walks to the door, picks up the envelops and sits on his bed. He turns the envelope around to see something written, "Inside you will find my heart and soul" Harry gently opens the envelope and finds a piece of paper with something written on it. Harry chuckles at Louis' bad handwriting and brings the sheet closer for him to read clearly. They were just random lyrics that made no sense to him at the moment but he knew that they were a part of something bigger, something a lot more meaningful, he safely puts the sheet back in the envelope and keeps the envelope on his night stand. 

He quickly rings Louis, he waits for him to pick up and as soon as his face is on his screen, Harry starts to blush and Louis has a small smirk playing on his lips. "So did you like it?", Louis asks, "Its great I love it.", Harry replies. They both say nothing, just sit there looking at each other until Louis' eyes wander to the part of Harry's room that was visible in the frame. He looks around noticing a beautiful painting of a pair of lungs, "That's amazing, did you make it?, Louis asks pointing at the painting on the wall, Harry turns to look at it and says, "No, my older sister Gemma made it.". Louis notices sadness in Harry's eyes and says, "I would love to see more of her work, she's really good. Do u have any of her art works?", Tears buld up in his eyes and he tries so hard not to cry, "We dont have to share too much of our stories, we can just do our treatments together, thats it.", Harry quickly says and disconnects the call. 




a/n: ahh i took so much time to finish this chapter lol so im sorry if its kinda shitty but i tried ahah. Anyway i hope u liked it, dont forget to vote and leave your feedback xx

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