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Harry's back in his room sitting on his bed with his laptop on his lap, recently he's been interested in making apps, I know seems unusual for a guy who writes songs but Harry always picked up on things that seemed interesting to him. He had picked up this skill from one his friends Mitch, he had taught Harry everything and Harry was well very quick to learn. He was working on an app that helped him with his regimen, but he couldn't focus thinking about how ungrateful Louis was for all the help he was receiving, he also felt bad for leaving Louis in the terrace to practically freeze himself to death. Harry quickly got up and walked to his window to see if Louis was still there but he wasn't, the terrace looked empty. He panicked and quickly closed his curtains grabbing his notebook sitting down on his bed to work on some song.

He opens his notebook, sitting there with a pencil in his hand humming but all he could really think of was Louis, he was frustrated because the blue eyed boy just didn't leave his mind. He angrily shut his notebook and decided to meditate, he just couldn't do it he quickly got up  from his bed, put his mask on and left to see Louis. He knocked on his door and took a few steps back to maintain his distance. Louis slowly opened his door confused to see Harry on the other side. As the door  opened Harry was quick to peep inside the room behind Louis. He cringes at Louis' messy room but he loses it when he see the aflo-vest on the floor. "Where's you med cart? Where are your pills and why is the aflo-vest on the floor?", Louis is still confused with whatever is happening. "Is this what aneurysm looks like?", Louis says. "Can i see you regimen please?" Harry asks Louis. Louis turns around to look for his regimen and hands it to Harry. Harry takes his regimen and sees there are doodles all over it. "What? What is this? Why-" Harry is in major panic mode but it's his OCD, he cant really help it, he crushes the paper he's holding and throws it on the floor. "Hey! I see you have some super hero complex going on but can you please leave me out of it?" Louis quickly replies looking at Harry panicking. "These meds aren't optional.", harry says. "Yeah i figured, because thats probably why they keep shoving it down my damn throat". "You're driving me crazy.", Harry says and walks towards the lift to go the NICU. Louis quickly follows him but doesn't get into the lift. He takes the other one going up to the NICU.

 "Ok why dont you tell me whats actually wrong? I promise not to laugh or make any jokes."Louis says as he enter the room. Harry looks at him and replies, "I need you to follow your regimen, please.". "And how does any of that bother you?"Louis asks, confused. "I have control issues ok? I just need to know everything is in order. I have to make sure everything is in order and you not following you regimen and taking your treatment lightly is messing me up." Louis replies, "Ok I wanna help i really do but i dont know how or what u want me to do." Harry chuckles, "Thats bullshit, CFers know everything, we are practically doctors by the age of twelve." "I understand, i'll help you for real but whats in it for me?" Harry looks at Louis not being able to understand how the blue eyed couldn't follow his regimen for his own damn life. "Whats in it for you? Cant you practice just a little bit of discipline to save your own life?". "Save my life? No one can save our lives Harry, we breathe borrowed air. I'll help you if you let me write a song inspired by your story.", Louis says and catches Harry off guard. "No!", Harry quickly replies and Louis looks disappointed. "Well then the deal's off", Louis says and exits the NICU leaving Harry behind. Harry groans with frustration and walks out, "Fine but I'm not sitting for countless hours talking and we're following your regimen my way. First you have to get your med cart in your room. Deal?", Harry says with hopeful eyes. Louis really did mess him up, he had to do something and this would benefit both of them. "Deal", Louis says with a soft smile. Honestly Louis didn't care about the regimen at all, he was just glad Harry agreed to let him write a song about his story. Harry chuckles and walks away, Louis takes the lift.

When the lift stops on his floor he makes his way to the room when he suddenly hears something crash, he turns around to see where the sound came from and finds Niall on the floor with his skateboard going wild. Louis chuckles at the blonde boy when Niall says, "You missed the show". "You doing stunts in there?", at this Niall just laughs one his insanely obnoxious but cute laughs. Louis doesn't understand what was it that Niall found so funny but he didn't question it, instead he went ahead introducing himself, "I'm Louis.", Niall looks at the shorter boy and says, "I'm Niall". Soon after the introduction Niall and Louis got to talking. "B.cepacia that seems hard.", Niall says looking at Louis sympathetically. "Well yeah, guess no lung transplant for me.", Louis said but there wasn't any kind of sadness because he knew the lung transplant would only give him a couple more years to live and they might be just as painful as it is now. "I'm guessing that attitude of yours is whats giving Harry fits.", Niall says as he chuckles. "Yeah whats even up with him, he told me about having control issues or something.", Louis asks Niall because he genuinely is so confused with harry's behaviour. "Well say whatever, he's got his shit together and he stays in line.", Niall says admiring how organised harry is, at this Louis feels the need to ask Niall about his relationship with Harry. "Have you two-, i mean are u guys a thing?", Louis says awkwardly. Niall laughs and says, "No, man I've known that guy since we were 5". "I dont know man, sounds like you love him." "Obviously I love him.", Niall says and Louis smiles, "Then why aren't u together?" "Uh because he's not my type and we're like brothers, it would be incest.", Niall says quickly making Louis smirk. They both sit there talking like they had known each other for years. Louis enjoyed Niall's company, it was nice to have a friend.




a/n: Ah I finally finished this chapter, this took me the most time idk why tho but it did ahaha. Also just to be clear when i picture harry and louis while writing, i picture cinnamon swirl louis and harry after the frat boy era but he hasnt reached the prince hair, idk what that era is called i dont think it has a name its an in between era ahaha. Anyway i hope u liked this chapter and yeah dont forget to vote. 

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