Oh My God

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Lysandra and Aedion were standing in front of the Inner Court. They were at the dining table with Emrys, Malakai and Luca standing at the other end, all waiting for the couple's 'important announcement'.

"Well, as we have all gathered here..." Aedion started but Aelin quickly interrupted, "Just say it and be warned – if it is some joke and not worth delaying my lunch, you will pay for it."

She said it satirically and raised her hand for everything to see the flames which were dancing on her fingers.

"I am sure it will be worth even missing your lunch for she... we... we are exp..." Aedion tried to say and failed badly.

"I am pregnant." Lysandra shouted with glee and everyone lightened up. There were rounds of congratulations. Aelin went to her cousin taking him to a hug as she too shouted with glee.

She then went to Lysandra and raised her fingers again as a mock threat while she said, "I better be the godmother."

Lysandra nodded and took the queen into a tight hug. Aelin made a fire crown sit on the lady's hair and fire sprinkles fall on the couple. Rowan patted Aedion on the back and gave him a brotherly hug before saying something in his ear that left both of them laughing wickedly. Elide was practically beaming. Lorcan just had a small smile on his face.

That was a long time ago, actually. Garen Ashryver had his first birthday three months ago. The little boy already had the whole court around his pinky finger. No one could deny something to him. He looked so cute with those Ashryver eyes and the shoulder length hair. That boy would have looked exactly like his father if it weren't for his brown hair that were darker than Lysandra's herself.

Aelin woke up the next day with a wave of nausea. She immediately went to the bathroom and barely made it in time as she puked in the tub. If her fast unsteady running hadn't woke him up then her falling on the floor sure had because Rowan was there, standing at the door.

"What happened?" He asked, his voice a bit shaky.

"Nothing. Looks like I ate too much at the feast yesterday." A pathetic excuse which Rowan won't buy.

"Tell me how you feel." He said. An order.

"I am fine." She said but Rowan countered, "It doesn't look like it, does it?"

"I am fine. It will go away." She said, a brief emphasis on 'fine'.

"I am calling Raphaela." He said as he went towards the bedroom door. Raphaela was the Head Healer at the castle – a nice old woman with grey hair and wrinkled face.

"Stop." She said but Rowan didn't stop, "Wait for some time."

Rowan stopped.

He went towards the door again. He had waited enough. This was the third time Aelin went to the bathroom.

He gruffly instructed the servant to get the healer and turned back to see Aelin glaring daggers at him.

"I called the healer." He said as a matter-of-factly.

"No, no." She argued, "You called the healer after I specifically told you not to."

Rowan mumbled something that sounded like 'same thing'.

After ten minutes, two figures came from the corridors. Not the ones they had expected.

The servant he had sent to summon Raphaela was replaced by a taller, bulkier man-no- Fae. And by the looks of his pointed ears, a pure-blooded Fae. Just a little shorter than Rowan , he had short ash brown hair that almost reached his brows. In front of him was walking a very young woman – a healer – with her curly auburn hair tied into a half bun.

The Fae stopped at the door and bowed. Aelin could see his eyes now. Bright blue ones. Just a shade lighter than Dorian's. She couldn't find a better word to describe his tanned skin than 'weather-beaten'. He left with a nod from the woman who looked far less threatening. She entered their room.

"Emma Cadevalle at your service, your Majesty." She said and bowed low.

"I had called for Raphaela." Rowan said harshly which made Aelin glare at him again.

"The Head Healer had some matter at hand that couldn't be delayed. When I heard of your urgent summon, I proposed to volunteer." She said each word carefully.

"That's very kind of you." Aelin told before Rowan could even open his mouth.

"It is an honour, your Majesty." Emma said. Then she asked about what symptoms she was showing, noting down everything on a paper. Rowan left the room after Emma said she had want some privacy. He was about to argue but then Aelin gave him a stern look that said do-what-she-tells.

"Who was he?"

"Who-who?" The healer looked confused.

"The Fae who escorted you here." Aelin explained.

"He's Charlie, my mate." The healer said, looking relieved.


The check-up went on smoothly. Emma lifted her hand, white light shimmering off her fingers and placed it on Aelin's stomach.

"You're... you're pregnant, your Majesty." The healer nearly shouted, barely containing her own joy.

Rowan entered the room with a too-bright smile from the healer who walked out of the room.

Aelin was on the bed. In tears. Well, that wasn't what Rowan expected after he saw how happy the healer looked.

"What's wrong?" He managed to ask.

"Nothing's wrong, you idiot. I am pregnant." She said between the sobs.

Oh my god. His mate was pregnant. Gods, he was going to be a father.

Rowan was almost swooning.

Calm down. She needs you. You have got to be there for this time.

So, Rowan calmed down and sat beside her, placing a hand on her stomach.


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Memeismeme : )

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