The List (one-shot)

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Synopsys: The Reader and Tom have been best friends for years. When she finally gets time off of Uni and comes to visit him and Harrison on the set of Spider-Man: Far From Home, she becomes great friends with all of his co-stars, much to his delight. But when he overhears a conversation between the Reader and them, he can't help the jealousy that fills his heart. And maybe that was the final push needed for his crush on her to be revealed.

Pairing: Tom Holland x f!Reader

Genre: angst, fluff, SMUT

Warnings: SMUT (thigh riding, m going down on f, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, y'all), overstimulation), swearing, and the usual stuff you've come to expect from me

Word count: 5636


           "Okay, okay," Y/N laughed before resting her head against the couch as the group waited for her answer. "Let me think.... Okay... In no particular order – Catherine Zeta-Jones... I mean I'd let that woman do anything she wanted to me. And when I say anything, I mean anything... Zac Efron, 'cause that look in Hairspray did things to me."
To that Zendaya snorted. "Dude, I can introduce you two."
"And you'll say what – hey this stranger like millions of others wants to fuck you 'cause you're on her list? If you're down, of course."
Cackling at Y/N's answer 'cause it was true, Z motioned for her to continue. "Michelle Pfeiffer, because Queen."
Z, Harrison, Jacob and Angourie all nodded in unison.
Jacob pressed on. "Two more."
"Okay," Y/N chewed on her lip for a moment before settling on the last two people. "Ben Hardy 'cause Bohemian Rhapsody was a look," she emphasised the last word, and Anguorie groaned in agreement.
"And Sebastian Stan," Y/N finished.
Z's eyebrow raised. "Really?"

"Okay, listen, have you seen his thighs? Like... I'd ride them into the sunset if allowed. And he seems like such a sweetheart, and he cares so much about his fans, it's the most endearing thing ever," Y/N gushed because to be fair, she had been a fan of his since Once Upon A Time, and his version of the Mad Hatter had struck a chord. So, the fact that Tom worked with him, and they had a banter-like relationship made her heart beat faster.
Just like with her friend, she was incredibly proud of him because Y/N knew how it felt to be an outcast, and having heard his struggles of integrating into a complexly new society at the horrible age of twelve made her feel for Sebastian. Teenagers were shitty people. Besides, the fact that there was a possibility she could meet him through Tom, also didn't help with the slight obsession she had with the Romanian and his thighs.
As the conversation started to dissipate, everyone chiming in on who's on their list, Tom who'd been standing right outside the door of the trailer finally came in; his hair a completely dishevelled mess, and face a mask of calm with a small smile playing on his lips to mask the jealousy.
"And what is everyone talking about?" Tom asked entering Zendaya's trailer and flopping down next to Y/N, putting an arm behind the couch. On an instinctual level, she leaned against his side making his heart flutter before all the butterflies were squashed when Zendaya elaborated.
"Her list," Z said with a smirk pointing at the girl next to him before sipping on her drink despite it having gone stale.
"Oh really?" Tom's unruly eyebrow quirked up. "Do tell."
"Catherine Zeta-Jones, Zac Efron, Michelle Pfeffer, Ben Hardy and Sebastian Stan," Y/N listed off the names while rotating her head from one side to the other and gave him a pointed look of 'was that good enough? Happy?'
"Ouch, Y/N," Tom put a hand over his heart in mock hurt, though there was some real pain mixed in there as well. "And no me?"
The girl snorted and rolled her eyes. "I mean, don't get me wrong, I know you have hordes of adoring fans that would love to get into your pants," she patted his leg, "which means you are famous, but to me... you're just Tom. The same guy I've known since being six, and the same guy I had to rescue from a spider two weeks ago... and I have a phobia from them."
"It was huge!"
"First off, that's what she said. And second – you call me for help?!" she exclaimed through a laugh. "Do I need to remind you of the zoo incident?"
Angourie's eyes sparkled at that. "Wait, what's the 'zoo incident'?"
"We went to the London zoo a couple of years ago, and in the tropical house one of the big hairy spiders had somehow gotten loose, and Y/N found herself with it on her shoulder," it was hard for Tom to keep the laughter away at first, seeing as everyone was howling, but remembering the state his friend went into, all happiness evaporated.
"I had a panic attack," Y/N expanded, shrugging as if it hadn't been truly terrifying. She didn't mind the others laughing about the event. Looking back on it, as much as it made her shiver, she knew there was no harm in their reaction, but Y/N would be lying if she said Tom and Harrison not laughing didn't comfort her a bit. They knew her struggles, so it was nice of them to keep it to polite smiles. "Like to the point they had to call an ambulance because I wouldn't stop screaming and hyperventilating," she chuckled, but to elevate Tom's mood 'cause he had been so distraught that day, she nudged his shoulder.
"Why do you think Spider-Man's my least favourite superhero?" Y/N teased looking at Tom and waiting for his usually snarky response, but instead, this time all she got was a roll of his eyes as he diverted his attention to Harrison and bit down on his lip.
Y/N's eyebrows furrowed at that. Obviously, she didn't mean it, and Tom knew it. Just because she didn't have an affinity to the eight-legged spawns of Satan, didn't mean she hated Spider-Man, let alone Tom as the character. She couldn't be prouder of him if she tried.
"Tommy, you okay?" Y/N leaned in closer so that only he could hear her. "You know I didn't mean it, right?"
There was such concern and care in her gorgeous Y/E/C orbs that he had no choice but to melt and push down the jealousy. "Yeah, darlin'. I know."
He pecked her forehead and gave his full attention to the rest of the group. But deep down a coil of jealousy started to unfurl.

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