Limited Space (one-shot)

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Synopsys: One room. Two beds. But will both of them be used?

Pairing: Tom Holland x f!Reader; OC!Juliet (Reader's character's name)

Genre: fluff, tiny bit of angst, like blink and you'll miss it

Warnings: like one swear word I think :D

Word count: 3739


"Yes, Jimmy?" she dramatically flipped her head to the side causing her hair to swish which made everyone laugh a bit at her antics.
"When you found out you weren't going to be in 'Civil War' with these guys, and Tony was going to get a new protegee in Spider-Man, what were your thoughts? Did you kinda go up to Kevin Feige and ask if he was replacing you?"
"Funnily enough," Y/N pointed at Tom, "when we first met on the carpet for 'Civil War' that was the first thing he said. "Please don't think I'm replacing you!"" she imitated his London accent though quite badly making everyone chuckle, and Tom had to bite his lip to keep the smile at bay.
"If I'm being genuine –" she continued, "I was just terrified I was gonna be fired. Cause after 'Age of Ultron' where it turns out the Hulk took the plane to space and ended up in Sakaar, I thought that's what would happen to me. And I was pumped," Y/N emphasized the word, "but like, Mark and I were keeping in non-stop contact while it was leading up to Phase 3 announcements, 'cause neither of us had any idea what was happening to our characters. And when it was announced Hulk would be in 'Ragnarok', yet for me, it was radio silence, and then Spidey flipped into the 'Civil War' trailer... I-" she laughed, "I kinda started sweating."
Robert patted her knee as Y/N made a motion of 'cooling off' with her hand. "And then for like two more weeks, there was nothing. Mark knew zip, though that was a smart decision on Marvel's part."
"Is he still not trusted by anyone?" Jimmy chuckled, and Robert rolled his eyes.
"Listen," the legend started, "everyone loves him, and he's such a kind person. Whenever something slips past those loose lips," he looked over his tinted glasses at Tom as well, "it's never from a malicious place. Like those two are just excited and want to share that with the world, but when you stream the first fifteen minutes of the movie on your Instagram... you kinda lose the access to the secrets."
The audience erupted into laughter as did Y/N. She had gone to the 'Ragnarok' premiere to support her friends, and the movie and clearly remembered the woman poking Mark in the back and angrily whispering for him to turn off the Instagram Live that was still going. At the afterparty, for the first twenty minutes, that's what everyone was talking about.
"And what about you, Tom?" Jimmy brought the conversation back on track. "When you found out you'd be in Civil War but had no contact with Y/N or Juliet in this case what was your first thought?"
"I was really scared that she'd hate me," Tom laughed rubbing his neck and looked at Y/N, who waved him off. " 'Cause Tony's and Juliet's relationship is one of the strongest in the MCU, and now that he's recruited Peter, I was genuinely terrified. Especially of her fans, like they are passionate about Juliet, which I totally get. I just hoped that she'd be nice and accepting when we did meet and got to work together."

Y/N rolled her head to the side and looked at Tom. "And am I as scary as you thought I'd be?"
"In the mornings, horrifying," Tom sassed, and Y/N slapped his shoulder with mock hurt on her face while Robert exclaimed a 'watch it, kid, that's my daughter! I might be dead, but I'll come back to haunt your ass.'
"Did you kinda help him fit into the dynamic of everything?" Jimmy continued on, and Y/N looked at Tom.
"Not really, no," she shook her head. "He just fit in so perfectly on his own, that nobody had to do anything. Sure, like helping out with the scenes and advice like that as peers, yeah. But there was no 'here's Tom. Now be friends' kind of a thing. And in the end, I was off in space, and they were kicking Cap's ass back on Earth."
Someone in the audience hollered a 'Team Iron Man' making Robert blow a kiss in the person's direction. Given how he wasn't with them to promote Marvel anymore and was there for the re:MARS initiative, it was nice for all of them to catch up.
"Honestly," he piped up, "I couldn't wait for Infinity War and then Endgame, to film with this one, and then see us on the big screen reunited," he affectionately ruffled Y/N's hair.
"Me too," she smiled, "though, when we saw Spidey and Iron Man interacting with the Guardians, yet no Juliet, I started to think maybe it was just like a mock scene that wouldn't end up being used. 'Cause by that point, everyone knew she was rolling with the Space Avengers, and maybe it was just to throw everyone off. But filming it was a really amazing experience, 'cause Juliet hadn't seen her father for what now," she looked at Robert for confirmation, "three-four years? And suddenly they meet again, but he has a new protegee and stuff. It was interesting to see how the dynamic would evolve, and how she'd feel about Peter. As evident in the movie – she kinda liked him."
"So, no rivalry between the two of you?" Jimmy motioned with his hand.
And Tom placed his head on Y/N's shoulder making the audience aww. "None whatsoever."
"Good answer," she patted his head. "I've trained you well."
But as everyone laughed, Y/N was completely unaware of how Tom's heart galloped in his chest from that small touch and show of affection. Fuck, he was in deep.

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