I'll Never Let You Go (Part 2)

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Synopsys: It's finally time for the Reader to meet Tom's parents, but things sometimes don't work like people hope they would. And sometimes the only answer is heartbreak.

Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader

Genre: angst, still going strong, ma dudes

Warnings: like one swearword :D

Word count: 1972


The whole ride back to London, Tom was quiet. Usually, even when he and Y/N got into a huge fight, he'd vent to Harrison and ask for advice on how to make things better. But not this time. Now, staring at the rain trailing down the window to darkness, he was simply empty. There was nothing inside. He was just a hollow shell of a person he once was, having left everything with Y/N.
Harrison kept glancing over at his best friend every three minutes or so, and with every passing second, he grew more and more worried. Had Y/N and he had rows before? Of course, which couple didn't. There had even been a time they'd almost broken up; the girl didn't speak to the actor for almost three days before both got their heads out of their asses and worked things through, crying in each other's shoulders and making up. But this, whatever it was that happened, seemed to stem from something deeper.
"Mate," Harrison spoke up and had to clear his voice. It sounded intrusive even with the radio filling the silence of the car. "Tell me what the bloody hell is going on, cause you two... it's never been this bad..."
Tom kept staring out the window. It was like he wasn't even in the vehicle with Harrison.
Maybe he should've left it alone, maybe he should've let Tom stay silent and off in his own world because now all he could see were the street lights reflecting off of the new tears rolling down Tom's cheeks.

"She broke up with me," it was defeat, simple as that. "This time for real," a violent hiccup interrupted the thought train, "and I know I said to her I wouldn't let it end there, not like that. But fucking hell... I don't know what to do. I don't know how to make it better. If I can make it better. Y/N- she-she- when I kissed her, it was like all the fire had died out. I could feel it. It was like she didn't want to fight anymore, had no more strength. And I'm so scared because I don't know how to save something that's crashing and burning, but I love her so much and I don't know what to do. And it's so bad. So so bad."
Tom was in full-blown hysterics now, so Harrison, ever the concerned friend, pulled off the highway and off to the side, parking the car on some gravel side, leaving only the headlights on. The rain fell heavier every second and was almost mimicking his best friend's cries.
"I- I still don't understand what happened that made you two split so suddenly. Didn't you just take her to meet your parents?"
The brunet's whole body shook, his shoulders shuddering with each ragged breath he took, a bitter laugh accompanying the last one. Red eyes turned to look at Harrison, the gaze filled with anger and sadness.
"That's exactly why."
"I'm confused."
For a second Tom debated leaving it at that. He could simply not give an explanation, for the memory was raw and painful, but most of all he was ashamed. Ashamed of the fact his own parents could say, that such a small thing was a valid reason for the two to break up. They must have been blind if they didn't see how much Y/N cared for him and the boy for her. Yes, she didn't like being in the spotlight, but that was not her job. It was his. And both of them were happy with their predicament.
When their relationship had started out, it had been her idea to keep it on the down low.
"I don't want people to think I'm in it for the fame or money," her voice had been a whisper in the dark, as Tom's body curled around her, both of them struggling to sleep comfortably in her dorm room's single size bed. "I want to make a name for myself, not be recognized as Spider-man's girl. I know it soun-"
But he interrupted Y/N with a kiss to her lips. "I understand, and you don't have to explain anything to me. We'll keep it between us and only us for as long as you want."
And they had. For two years, only the pair and their closest friends knew about the relationship. Admittedly Tom had met Y/N's parents much faster than she had met hers. They had decided to surprise the girl at Uni, only to find the two of them cuddled up on the sofa, but they absolutely adored the pair. Which could not be said about Tom's parents and their thoughts on the relationship.
"They said they didn't think she's the right one for me," Tom sniffled and wiped away the tears with the sleeve of his sweater.
Harrison's eyebrows shot up to his forehead. "Why? What happened?"
He was in just as much shock as everyone else, because during those two years he'd never seen Tom happier. So, the fact Dominic and Nikki- two of the most welcoming and kindhearted people Harrison had had the pleasure of knowing- would so blatantly say things like that, without double checking who was listening, was astounding. True, telling Tom even in private wouldn't have been nice, but it was the fact they were so openly admitting it, that surprised Harrison.
"They said she's not cut out for my lifestyle," Tom scoffed at that, "said she wouldn't be able to handle it. And- and Y/N heard it. She ran out. I don't blame her, honestly. I would have done the same, but... I just don't get it. While we were having dinner, everything was going great. At least I thought it was. Dad was constantly laughing at her jokes and they both seemed genuinely interested in Y/N and what she was doing, how her life at Uni was and all that jazz."
Tom hit his head back against the seat. "But I guess all of that was an act."
Harrison was speechless. Never in a million years did he think Y/N and Tom would break up. Sure, they had their fights, but they always resolved whatever the issue was. It was almost sickening how much PDA there would be after Y/N forgave Tom for something or the other way around. Like to the point, she once came to the set of 'Spider-man: Homecoming' and Tom had been complaining about needing a bathroom break for the last ten minutes, but right as Y/N had shown up, he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to the trailer. Harrison had found them fast asleep and cuddling.
Tom had actually met Y/N through Harrison. She had been invited to one the parties both boys hosted at their apartment but seeing how the nightlife scene had never been her style, Harrison had practically begged for her to come.
"I never see you anymore. You're always studying and I'm doing some other shit."
Her joyous laughter rang through the phone. "Because that's called having a life and a career, Haz. Besides, we just saw one another a month ago, so it hasn't been that long. Don't make it sound like a Greek tragedy."
The blue-eyed man dramatically groaned and plopped down onto the couch. "The last time we actually caught up was during the post-production of the shoot. And that was almost quarter of a year ago. I wanna spend time with my friend!"
"Oh, stop pouting!" Y/N could imagine how Harrison jutted out the bottom lip, pouting at what the girl was saying.
"You're such a baby, Haz."
"And you're a prude."
"Drama queen."
"Soccer is the dumbest sport ever created."
"Harry Potter sucks."
A silence filled the line before Y/N responded, clearly trying to hold back a laugh. "That's it. You've crossed a line. I am disowning you and no longer does this friendship exist. Have a good life, Osterfield and do not contact me ever again. Erase me from your phone and mind. Goodbye!"
"Wait, no I'm sorry!" Harrison laughed. "I didn't mean it! Please!" he shrieked causing Y/N to cackle so loud she thought her neighbours would call the cops. "Don't leave me! Harry Potter is the greatest thing ever created and I'll get a tattoo across my forehead that says so. Just don't make me face the cruel world alone!"
"Alright, alright! I'll go to the party!" Y/N relented. "But it better not be a bore."
So she went. Right as Y/N had entered the apartment she was pulled into an iron-tight hug by Harrison to which his flatmate Tom raised both his eyebrows in confusion.
"Do you have a girlfriend I don't know about and if yes- what the fuck mate?!"
Y/N and Harrison giggled, and she allowed the brit to introduce her to the actor. Tom and Y/N had clicked instantly. Throughout the whole party, Tom tried to find every possible excuse to talk to the girl, to get to know her life and every single secret she had. Because of that, she was the last one, apart from Tom's brothers, to leave and even then, it was done reluctantly from her part.
"I promise, I'll come visit more often. Surprisingly enough, you weren't a drag," she said hugging Harrison.
"Of course, I'm not a drag. How dare you!"
Tom had been one step behind, letting the two friends say their goodbyes before he came to stand beside Y/N at the doorway.
"Listen, I know we just met, and this might be way too forward, but if you don't mind, I'd really like your number so we could keep talking."
Surprise overtook Y/N's facial features before her lips split in a wide grin and she nodded.
Harrison had been incredibly sceptical about letting his best friend date the girl, always keeping a watchful eye on the two whenever they flirted or simply hung out, but when Tom had come back one day from a coffee date, a completely love-glazed look in his eyes, Harrison knew he was in it for real. That she wouldn't be just a one-night stand or a distraction when things got tough. Tom had fallen. Hard.
"I don't know if she'd even want to get back together," Harrison was taken out of reminiscing about the good old days and back into the dreaded present. "I mean, come on! Imagine if your girlfriend's parents said they didn't like you and didn't think you were good enough. You wouldn't want to spend time with them one bit either!"
The blue-eyed man was quiet for a moment before softly speaking up. "So, what are you going to do?"
"I-" Tom ran a hand through the wet curls, "I don't know. All I know is that I love her and can't imagine my life without her."
And despite the horrible situation, Harrison smiled before revving up the engine again and getting back onto the freeway. "Then you have some work cut out for you. Cause I may have not been the biggest fan of you two dating in the beginning, but if you let that woman go as simple as this, then I can guarantee you'll be experiencing more than a broken heart."
Tom's lips pulled up. "What? You'll ruin the money-maker?" he said pointing to his puffed-up face.
"Mate, you've broken your nose almost as many times as you've said you're Spider-man. One more or less won't make a difference."
"Y/N would be pissed." Even though her name was like hundreds of needles pushing their way into his heart, the simple memory of how concerned she always got when Tom did something stupid, soothed the ache. Reminded him of how much they cared for one another.
"Yeah, she would," Harrison said after a few minutes of silence.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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