Appearance ❤

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Hair color- blonde/silver
Body type-

Hair color- blonde/silverBody type-

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Shoulder length- thinUpper body- no back fat(just boobs and butt)Waist- small, no fatButt- round Hips- roundLegs- slim, tall, tight gap, no fatEyes color- blueEyes shape- korean eyes shape, double lid, long lashes, no under eye bags,

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Shoulder length- thin
Upper body- no back fat(just boobs and butt)
Waist- small, no fat
Butt- round
Hips- round
Legs- slim, tall, tight gap, no fat
Eyes color- blue
Eyes shape- korean eyes shape, double lid, long lashes, no under eye bags,

Shoulder length- thinUpper body- no back fat(just boobs and butt)Waist- small, no fatButt- round Hips- roundLegs- slim, tall, tight gap, no fatEyes color- blueEyes shape- korean eyes shape, double lid, long lashes, no under eye bags,

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Nose shape- bottom shape

Lip shape- full, heart shape

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Lip shape- full, heart shape

Face shape- no fat cheeks, no double chin, v line jaw line,

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Face shape- no fat cheeks, no double chin, v line jaw line,

Skin type- pale, clear, no pimples, no pores, no wrinkles, no smile lines

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Skin type- pale, clear, no pimples, no pores, no wrinkles, no smile lines..
Height- 173cm
Weight- 45kg
Teeth- white and straight
Need glasses or contacts? No I have 20/20 vison
Do you need braces? No
- I don't have periods
- I have soft skin
- I don't fart
- I'm always attractive
- I never have dry/ashy skin
- I have a good side profile
- I don't have any body hair ( I only have eyebrows, eyelashes and hair)
- I don't sweat
- I never smell
- I smell like strawberries
- My breath never smells bad
- My breath always smells good
- I don't have morning breath
- My hair doesn't get itchy
- My hair is never angled and I can't get lice or dandruff
- My hair never gets greasy or dry
- My poop or pee doesn't smell
- My vagina is clean and doesn't smell
- I can't get cramps or headaches
- I aren't achy
- I don't have ass hair
- I can't get anny unhygienic infections
- No acne
- No bacne or buttne
- My teeth can't get yellow and food get stuck between my teeth
- I'm good at sex
- I eat what I want and I don't gain weight
- All my clothes fit my perfectly
- I almost never get rejected
- I'm a good kisser
- Everyone I kiss or they kiss there's are good kissers
-I have an endless closet and i infinite money
- Your voice and laugh isn't obnoxious
- You have good singing voice
- You can dance
- You good at makeup
- You can't die
- Your friend loves you and are loyal to you
- I can't get pregnant, but if I want then I can
- I have good posture
- My hair stays really healthy no matter how much they dye it
- I have good memory
- My finger nails always healthy and strong
I don't sweat even in hot wheater or when I'm working out, dancing...

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