Clone ❤

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My clone is very respectful.

My clone will not harm anyone.

My clone will not tell anyone I have shifted.

My clone will go about their normal activities, such as attending school, doing homework, speaking with friends, etc..

My Clone will do all chores.

My clone will be comfortable in their own skin.

My clone will have normal feelings.

My clone will get enough rest.

My clone will showers every day.

My clone will eat healthy.

My clone will study hard.

My clone will workout.

My clone will act normal as I always do.

My clone will lose weight.

 My clone wil do everything i normally do, act or say

My clone will learn korean language

My clone will workout

My clone will do very good in water fast

y clone will not binge.
My clone will be productive.

Dr worldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora