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-Yoongi's P.O.V-
-The Forest of Enchantment-

Slowly strolling through the dim light trees I look around the place I had stumbled upon the elf side of the forest it was filled with many colourful flowers that looked darkened from the night sky or bright and blinding the forests's natural glow hovers over them, threes had many lines of fairy lights hanging on most branches and the juiciest looking fruit, picking a ripe green apple of one of the trees I take a bite and smile happily as the sourness filled my taste buds and filled my hungry needs.

As I continue on I come across the rushing, loud river that separates the elf tribe forest from the vampire kingdom forest, having a few friends over that way I already knew what it was like so no need to start being curious, the vampires who own the place enjoy their own strolls through the dark grey trees at night too, feeding on the humans who find ways to get past the thick brambles that are specifically made to only hurt mortals, or the animals that live there naturally while a few hide away during the day or stay in the shade when out.

I stay where I am and look down at my reflection in the dark waters, the glow around the bank making it easy for me to see, I stay quiet with a smile until the rustling of leaves in the far distance beside me and I look up and turn my head, there stood staring right back at me with a hint of nervousness in his eyes was a small boy clearly around my age with pointy ears and fluffy blonde hair, an oversized sweater that was hanging off one of his shoulders and black fabric shorts on with trainers, his plump lips shining in the moonlight from what looks like lip balm or gloss his eyes staying connected with mine as they were filling with more and more nervousness as the seconds went by so I slowly take a step forward watching him taking a step back and I knew this was going to be a game of chase.

I take a few more steps forward and he takes more steps back, I frown a little before going back to a calm expression and start to walk towards him slowly but he takes it the wrong way and starts to run off so I chase after him, elves being quiet fast yet smaller than most werwolves I would at times miss his directions and have to look around to find him.
Once he takes another quick turn I huff softly as I stand still in the spot I stopped myself at and looked around trying to catch a sign of him, panting and catching my breath I softly call out.
"Listen...I won't hurt you..I promise..."
elves being quite sensitive and scared around the other immortals around the forest I had to try and be as patient as possible for him.
"Please come out...I'll stay right where I am...Just take your time.." I huff softly and lean against a tree behind me patiently.
A couple seconds later I watch as the boy pokes his head out from behind a tree and slowly makes his way towards me, his hands up in front of his chest holding onto the long sleeves, he looked exhausted and kind of scared as he continues to take slow steps towards me, closer he got the more I gave him a warm smile.

Once close enough I stand up properly from against the tree and look down at the boy with my smile, checking out his pointy ears and little earring I step back so he had some space.
"Thanks...so...what's your name?" I ask him in a whisper, being so close to an elf I had to be sure to keep my body and voice expressions safe.
"M—My name is Park Jimin sir..." he replies
Which causes me to smile more, elves are the polite ones of the whole forest, manners for everything.
"Hm, Nice to meet you I'm Min Yoongi..." I tell him.
He steps back a little, everyone knows who is who in the forest and everyone knows every persons role in the packs, I am second in command in the whole pack of wolves so I am possibly the second most feared of all people so I wasn't surprised be moved away.
"Trust me I wont hurt you...I was enjoying a walk...what about you?" I ask him
"I was too...I like the forest at night...It's quiet.." he answers in a shy tone so I give a nod in agreement.
"I was wondering if you'd like to enjoy the rest of your walk with me this evening Jimin, do you mind?" I ask him again
Shaking his head he answers in a whisper
"No...I don't mind at all...I'd like the company.."
and with that we continue our walk through the forest.

Through out the night we started to get along more and he began opening up more too, he would chat about anything and some times tell cute jokes, his smile would light me up inside what was unusual for me, causing my cheeks to heat up from time to time as I listen to his soft voice speak to me.
We played a few more games, sat by the river, I shared my chocolate bar with him that I had in my jacket pocket I forgot about earlier this afternoon and non-stop spoke until it was twelve the curfew for every immortal of the forest, standing at the border of elf city I nod as Jimin bows with a happy, blushy smile on his face.
"Thank you for the wonderful night Mr Yoongi...I hope to see you again soon goodnight."
And with that he was gone through the invisible wall and out of sight, with a sigh and a smile I change forms as I turn away and run off towards wolf pack den, feeling some sort of something filling my heart with happiness and all I could of was the word love....but the only problem was...it wasn't aloud between an elf and werwolf so I wasn't sure what to do.

Arriving at the den (city) I change forms and walk through the long street all the way towards my house, I had three roommates from the pack which were Lucas, Tyler and Hoseok we are all great friends and get on quite well so the chief made sure we were in a house together.
"Im back idiots!" I yell as I walk through the door and close it behind me.
"Ayyy Yoongi!! How was it out in the mortals land?" Hoseok asks
"Ah not too bad, met some nice people as usual a couple of idiots cant be missed though when there." I explain
"Ha! Nice...but you seem a bit off at the minute Yoongi can you explain?" Lucas asks, he had the ability to read peoples feelings when he wanted and right now I knew I couldn't lie
"I met someone" I tell them
"Ooooh! How cute is he?"
"Is he our age!?"
"What colour fur!?"
They all blurt out at me with out hesitation.
"He's quite cute..and he is our age..but he's Park Jimin..." I tell them slowly
They all go quiet and bite the inside of their lips as they look away for a second.
"You know it won't work right?" Hoseok says
"I know I know.."
"You know the consequences if you go any further with them feelings don't you?" Lucas asks seriously
"I do, and I understand if you lot won't support me in this if I do go further.." I sigh
They nod and slowly leave me be going of to do their own things as I head upstairs to my bedroom for the night still not knowing what to do.

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