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She leaned on her right elbow and turned to get a better look. The Ferrari finally stopped. It was upside down. From where she was she could only see the rear.

Finally, she heard a sound of things moving and falling, and then a groan.

She imagined they were upside down inside and one of them was able to unlock a seatbelt. A well suited man crawled out of the passenger’s side. His tuxedo was ripped on the right arm and she could see his cuts, scratches and bruises. But those were small injuries compared to his face; his right eye was swollen red and blue, and there was blood slightly gushing out of his broken nose. She might have heard him utter ‘help’ but she couldn’t tell because blood also came out of his mouth when he tried to speak.

She was able to get up now that adrenaline was kicking in. The man tried to stand but just fell on her. Some of his personal belongings dropped on the ground one by one. His license came out of his wallet. Handsome photo. His name was Mikael Saint Clair.

Other things that came out were his keys, pen and a small invitation card to ‘The Grand Auto exhibit’. Apparently, it was a fundraising event and tickets would benefit poor children in Asia and Africa.

Suddenly her eyes grew big and her jaw slightly dropped, his name sounded familiar to her. Maybe in ads she couldn’t picture now. He must be a really rich and famous man, an important man to people who knew him.

His black tuxedo was so nice to touch, it was elegant and expensive like the ones she sees in High end stores where she’s too embarrassed to even walk in.

The low sound of the siren gave her more motivation to keep strong. But help would probably arrive at about 5 minutes and a lot of things can happen during those precious minutes.She laid the man’s head down on her knapsack and went up to see the woman in the car…

The woman was still upside down; stuck in her seatbelt. She was conscious. Her closed eyes twitched trying to open them.

“It’s ok.” She couldn’t remember how many times she repeated that but she wanted to comfort her.

“Help is coming. Everything will be alright.” She said while looking around if help was actually visible.

She was so beautiful like a supermodel in a front page of a fashion magazine. Her long dark brown wavy hair was loose and soft. Her black and white dress was exquisite and her jewelry were made with the finest cut of diamonds and yellow sapphires.

She carefully looked around her and saw her belongings all over the place. She had a big entrée pass with her name on it. She was Mrs. Saint Claire – Maria Ellis Saint Claire.

All of a sudden she gasped! She had not seen that earlier. Something metal was coming out of her stomach, her left knee cap crushed between her chair and her shin was coming out. Blood was gushing out really fast. She held her breath. Oh the sight! She closed her eyes and tried to erase it from her memory. There was nothing she could do for her!

She heard her whisper, “Jean Michael”. She was probably calling for her husband so she searched for him. He was still lying where she left him.

She spoke again a little louder, “My baby”. Finally, it started to sink in. Mikael was the name of the husband and not Jean Michael.

Keera MaeWhere stories live. Discover now