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She saw an ambulance, a police car and private vehicles parking on the side of the road. People came down and rushed to the scene; some came from the fundraiser, most of which were paparazzi. Even curious passersby drove slowly to look.

Paparazzi started to take photos and some passersby followed. The crowd was getting thicker and she heard the police yelling their way thru.

People in the crowd gasped in horror when they saw the body of Maria Ellis. The old women couldn't look any longer and backed out.

Then the gossipers started telling different opinions at the same time. She could hear whispers sympathizing Mikael and blaming Maria Ellis.

“She’s insane!”   A woman from the crowd yelled more loudly than the others.

But most of the things she heard could be the truth of what had happened to Maria Ellis and what drove her to kill her husband, their baby and herself. 

 “He drove her crazy.” Somebody said but she couldn’t see with the continued flashing of cameras.

“That manipulative multimillionaire finally drove her to her death.” It was a female reporter in front of her who said that.

Can someone really push anyone over the edge of their sanity? She thought so.

There was only one voice that really caught her attention. “Patrick!” It was a voice of an older women. The name echoed in her head and she might have heard herself say, “No way!". She tried to turn but couldn’t tell which one was ‘Patrick’. It could be the handsome gentleman staring blankly at the wrecked car or the slightly younger guy turning around lost.

“Patrick! Son, call Miki’s father, Jac Saint Claire”. She still couldn’t see who was shouting.

They called Mikael Saint Claire ‘Miki’. These pople must be one of those rich and famous families who are close to other rich and famous families. Do they even know about baby Jean Michael? Should she tell him? Them? Thinking only made her head hurt even more.

Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore; the secret, the noise, the crowd, the flashes. Then she remembered the one that she wanted to erase from her memory. No, please no. Her head was spinning –she wanted to vomit.

The police and paramedics were running towards her; their arms reaching out to her and were shouting. The baby was getting heavier –he was slipping away…

She was slipping away.

She felt someone grabbed her; one of the uniformed men. And then she fainted.

Note: the original story ended here. But many people suggested a proper ending :)

So please continue...

Keera MaeWhere stories live. Discover now