The Truth Hurts

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Like I said I'm a liar
I always lie
No matter the situation
But what if I told the truth
If I told the truth all the time
You say it's okay to lie sometimes
But you see I have to lie
If I don't
I'll become a burden
I'll become to much to deal with
I'll be on all sorts of medications
Medications that I don't need
Maybe I need a couple of them
But let me tell you this
Isn't it better to lie
If I hate your music
I lie and say it's not my taste
I lie and say it's really good
I'll let someone else break your dreams
You see
I'm not evil
I just try to understand other people
I just try to understand emotions
You don't want honest opinion
It hurts
It always does
So stop asking for it
Stop trying to interfere
The Truth Hurts
It hurts more then a paper cut
Because it comes from someone you
Because it comes from someone you
Because it comes from someone you
Like I said the Truth Hurts
Remember when your parents said
Your dog is running through endless
Flower fields
Remember when your family said
They are just sleeping
But when you get older
You realize that they died
It hurt didn't?
See in my mind
You either always lie
You always tell the truth
Those who in between
Lack instinct
They lack will power
They lack skill
The Truth Hurts
I'd rather be a lair forever

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