Who's missing!?!

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Well time for plan B.Says some guy.Yes,i guess so.Some other guy says.A-and what is plan b? Face palm.JUST GET THE GIRL!!!!Says the first random dude.Y-yes s-s-sir.He says and ran.Yes tsunade you will tell us we're is the money is. TSUNADE-BAA-CHAN!!You can't do tha-4 days until you find this man Orichimaru.Or we be out of business,got it? Everyone nodded except.BUT BAA-CHAN!-Naruto shut your mouth or i will shut it for you.Naruto sat quietly.Good.Now you're dismissed. Naruto's P.O.V. Stupid Baa-Chan.Now we've only got 4days until were out of business.Naruto says Peed-off,Shut up Naruto,mann you whin too damn much.Sakura says.This guy looks familiar.Sasuke says.He look ugly.Sakura says.I'm with you Sasuke,he does look familiar.Naruto says.Shut up Naruto,And keep your eyes on road.Jeez! Sakura says.Hey guys where is Hinata? Naruto says.Maybe she's somewhere trying to hide from you! Sakura says.Sakura,would you please shut up! Sasuke says.Huh,s-sorry Sasuke-kun.Sakura says.I'm with you she was not a the meeting.Sasuke says kinda worried.I hope she's ok.Naruto says really worried. Hinata P.O.V. Oh mann I'm gonna be late!!!Bam!!!!Ouch I'm- Oh hi Riko sorry bout that.Hinata says.Oh hi Hinata it's ok.Riko gets up.Here let me you up.Riko says.Thanks.Hinata says.Hey,aren't you suppose to be at work.Riko says.Oh y-yea i gotta go.Hinata says.You're not going nowhere.A random guy says.Who are you?Hinata says.Hey get off her you big dumm-Gun click noise.You wanna make this harder now.Now you Both are coming with me.Now just act cool so nobody will get shot.Hinata and Riko both nodded in fear. Sasuke's P.O.V. Soo you said that there's a GHOST!?!Naruto says.Yes,i saw it,it was green and scary looking-FATHER! What are you doing!?A young lady says running out of her car.I saw it, a GHOST!-Dad lets go to bed you're dreaming again,I'm sorry officers my dad has a condition.Sorry.She says.Oh it's ok.I guess i'll see you later.NARUTO!!COME HERE IT'S A EMERGENCY!!Sakura says.Oh I'm coming! What's wrong.Naruto says.Tsunade called and she said that someone send her a picture of Hinata and Riko Kidnapped!!!Sakura says.WHAT!!WHERE IS SHE?Naruto says.I don't know? Sakura says.But we have to find them!Sasuke says worried.Riko i will find you. Naruto P.O.V. I will find you Hinata-chan!

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