"I'm hope mikaelson"

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Hope being a tribrid barely helped her make friends. But her sweet personality gathered the attention from Josie and Landon.

"Awww who's going to save you now hope? Landy? Josie? Oh that's right josie is afraid of me" Jade says as she laughs evily.

She knocked hope out while she was sleeping then carried her to a shed. She tied her down with anti-magic chains so she couldn't escape.

"let me go or I will rip your head off" Hope says looking at jade with hate in her eyes.

"If you try to, I'm going to kill Raph, then lizzie then Josie" Jade said, smirking.

Hope tries to break the rope but I didn't work. Instead she yells at jade to let her go

"Mm how sad.. your sad dad isn't here to save you" Jade laughs covers hope's mouth with a tie.

Hope's eyes feel with tears as she thinks about her family.

"Mom, Dad, Aunt bex, aunt freya and aunt keelin" She thinks to herself as she cries.

She closes her eyes and screams.

"Oh shut up for once" Jade says, annoyed.

"Let me go!" Hope says, as the cries are muffled

"How about..no" Jade yells then walks to a chair and sits in it.

There's a noise outside and jade looks up. She stands and opens the door then walks outside. Hope could barely see but she had a good enough vision. She saw Jade's neck snap and her heart ripped out. In the house, a blonde haired lady walked in.

"Hello hope, missed me?" Rebekah said, untieing her then hugs her

"Aunt bex- How did you find me" Hope says, crying into her aunt's shoulder

"Im a vampire more of a original" Rebekah says, breaking the hug

"Where's josie and lizzie?" Hope asks, standing up and wipes her tears.

"They went to New Orleans to visit Someone" Rebekah says, looking outside.

"Without me?" Hope says, heartbroken

"Yes but they don't remember you" Rebekah explains

"W-what?" Hope says, confused

"That girl is a physcopath. And she made them forget about you" Rebekah says, pointing to jade

"How can I make them remember me?"  Hope asks

"Not sure but I have a friend who can help you" Rebekah claims.

"Well where is she?" Hope walks to the door excitedly

"New orleans" Rebekah smiles

Hope was so happy. Her aunt's friend is where josie is.

"Let's go then" Hope says, running outside as rebekah followed her

In Rebekah's car

"Now tell me, do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?" Rebekah asks raising an eyebrow

"Y-yes her name is josie saltzman" Hope blushes while saying her name

"Alaric's child..I remember I made the blonde girl angry...Caroline was her name" Rebekah says, laughing

A hosie/Handon story☻︎Where stories live. Discover now