Chapter 4

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I think my heart skipped a beat the moment I saw her name on the screen. How did she even get my number!?

I read the rest of the message which said " I was just wondering if you would be able to help me with my chemistry project seeing as your really good at science. Also, I got your number from one of your friends in case you were wondering :)."

Well that answered my question. What do I say back? She wanted me to help her with a project. Me! Of all people. I never expected to be asked this by someone like her, but I was happy.

"Yeah of course! I'm happy to help" is what I replied with. I know it sounds a bit bold for me but you see, on social media, I'm much more confident as I'm not under as much pressure to say the right thing immediately. I'm actually granted time to think of a response and I don't have to physically say it to her face.

Almost immediately, my phone buzzed again. "Great! I'll text you my address and just let me know when your free."

Address!? It hadn't crossed my mind that I'd be going to her house for this! She texted me her address and I told her I'm pretty much free any time. I probably sound like such a loser with no plans at all but I could hardly care at this point I was so overcome with joy.

Although, at the same time, I was crawling with nerves. We agreed to meet on Tuesday after school, seeing that her project is due on wednesday.

So typically, I couldn't enjoy the rest of my Sunday afternoon without constantly thinking about Tuesday. And it was both excitement and pure fear that kept me up that night.

Eventually, I half-heartedly opened my eyes to look at the clock. Late. My lazy ass had no energy so I still stayed in bed even though I was running out of time.

When I finally worked up the courage to get out of bed, I sprung up having only just had the realisation sink in that I would be really late if I didn't hurry up. I sped down the stairs and ended up tumbling down the last few in a ball, landing on my face.

I scrambled to get up and continued around the house in a panicked manner. Once again, I shoved a cereal bar down my throat, slung my bag over my shoulder and strode out of the door.

I didn't have biology today so I wouldn't see "pretty girl" apart from in the halls. This made me less nervous, knowing that there was no chance of me possibly screwing up in front of her today.

That theory was apparently wrong.

Just like I had thought might possibly happen, I saw her in the halls. My feet, in that moment, decided to stop working.

I felt my hands on the floor suddenly as I looked at the crowd, including her, watching me with judgmental beady eyes.

I was on the floor, and pretty girl was standing over me with her hand reached out to help me up.

I felt like dying.

I could feel my face beginning to get really hot, just knowing that I had turned red. My shaking hands pushed myself up and grasped Sakura's hand.

Her hands were cold and thin. She would make a great piano player. My hands were hot and sweaty compared to her elegant fingers.

I felt a rush of energy course through me as I touched her hand. "Are you okay?" She asked with her eyebrows furrowed. Mentally? No. "Yes. Thank you!" No. I was dying.

Then, the most unimaginable thing ever happened. "Do you want to walk to class together?" Was I dreaming? "Y-yeah sure!" I stuttered as I remembered I was still holding her hand.

I pulled it away quickly and that was when I also noticed people around us whispering. Ignoring them, Sakura started walking. "You coming?"

And that was how I ended up becoming A LOT more noticeable.

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