Chapter 5

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A day had passed since my very eventful fiasco which resulted in me walking to class with "pretty girl". One day closer to the project. In fact, I would be going to her house the very next day!

I woke up to see the clock on my bedside table say 6:13 am. I wasn't tired, I had remembered to pack my bag the night before, and in fact, I was so early, that I had time to watch a whole episode of my favourite anime.

What's going on!? I mean I wasn't complaining. But that was when I remembered that my clock isn't on my bedside table. In fact, I don't even have one. I shot up and looked around the unfamiliar room.

The room was quite small. The walls were crusty and the wallpaper was peeling off. The carpet was dirty and when I got up to stand on it, it was also dry.

There was a small desk in the corner with a load of unfinished sheets of paper scattered over it. Where was I?

I decided to explore the rest of the house. I was terrified however, so I left the room with small, shaky steps.

I came into a hallway with another small room on my left. I entered it cautiously. It appeared to be a bathroom.

There was a shower in the corner, rust and dirt building along the rim. There was also a sink with a dirty mirror above it, almost fully concealed in specks of toothpaste.

As I looked into the mirror, I suddenly realised where I was. I wasn't me. Somehow.

Because, when I looked in the mirror, the reflection staring back at me...
Was pretty girl.

This was her house. But how? I would have thought she would live in some sort of mansion. Or at least a decent house.

I don't mean to be rude about her house but it wasn't exactly the nicest I've seen. I tried to get to grips with how this happened and why.

My brain just couldn't piece together what I was doing here and how I was in her body. That was when it hit me.

'It must be a dream.' I laughed at myself as I confidently strode around the house. No one was there, obviously. I heard my stomach rumble so I walked to what appeared to be the kitchen.

However, there wasn't much food. I settled with a packet of crisps I found in a cupboard. Not my ideal morning snack, but then again, it wasn't really morning.

Then I realised, if this was a lucid dream, I could do whatever I wanted. I had a sudden urge to fly so I jumped in hope that I would fly.


I tried again. Still nothing. I gave up on that and in response to my growling stomach, decided to use my lucid dream to bring me food.

Why wasn't it working!? I was beginning to get frustrated at the lack of food in my hands. Maybe it wasn't a lucid dream.

But then how was I able to control everything I did? I suddenly wanted to wake up. I pinched myself, but nothing changed.

I did not wake up in my nice cozy bed with my alarm clock screaming that I'm late. Nor did I move from this hell I was being kept in.

No food, no anime, no familiarity. And it was real. I had somehow switched bodies with Sakura.

The only thing I felt in that moment was pure confusion. Questions spun around my head on an endless roundabout.

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