Chapter One

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Four Years Later

Kailani was at the park with her three-year-old son. It was a beautiful Saturday in September. There weren't a lot of people out, which made it easier for her to keep up with the active toddler. He tended to get restless in their Spanish villa style townhome, and the small fenced-in backyard didn't give him much space to run out his energy. Kailani did her best to take him to the park every weekend when the weather permitted. California had an average of 146 sunny days a year. During the summer, those sunny days were breathtakingly hot, no matter if you were in the north or south.

"Look, Mommy!" Declan thrusts his little hand into her face, revealing the worm he had dug out of the ground.

Her face twisted in disgust as she grabbed a wipeout of the small backpack that they brought with them. "That's nasty." She used the wipe to grab the worm out of his hand before retrieving the hand sanitizer. Once his hands were cleaned to her satisfaction, she turned him towards the playground. "Go play, Declan. We've got to leave soon." Kailani urged him when he tossed the wipe in the trash bin.

The happy little boy nodded before running off towards the jungle gym. He quickly climbed the ladder before running to the slide and going down. He repeated the ritual three times before moving on. Minutes later, Kailani waited at the end of the tunnel slide as Declan slid down. She grabbed hold of him, lifting him in the air. They both laughed as she placed him on her hip. He was perfectly capable of walking, but she liked to hold him while she still could. They made their way to her black compact SUV parked in the lot.

"Where we go, mommy?" Declan asked from his upright car seat in the backseat.

Kailani glanced in the review mirror. "We're going to the grocery store."

His eyes widened, "I GET COOKIES!" He yelled excitedly.

She laughed happily at his excitement. "Yes, you'll get cookies if you're good like a big boy."

"I be good! I be big boy." Declan hurriedly promised. She rarely had problems with his behavior. Even his teachers at the daycare remarked at how mild-tempered and calm he always seemed to be. Still, trips to the grocery store could be a struggle. Kailani liked to shop at Target. Declan was smart enough to understand that the store sold toys. Sometimes he would demand to get one, which would inevitably lead to a meltdown if she said no. I was easier if she let him pick out a toy prior to the actual grocery shopping. The threat of not being able to tale the toy home usually kept him in check. She preferred to grocery shop while he was with her parents, sister, or brother but none of them were available today, and their kitchen needed to be restocked.

When they arrived at the popular store, Declan's excitement had him literally bouncing in his seat. Kailani released him from the harness and held the door open as he jumped out of the vehicle. They gripped hands and walked across the parking lot to the entrance of the store.

"Cookies!" Declan squealed, pointing to the noticeable aisle. "Get cookies, mommy."

"We'll get cookies after we get everything else." She reminded him as they rounded the corner. The grocery cart she was pushing jolted as it collided with another.

"Oh my gosh!" A woman with flowing ginger hair gasped as her green eyes widened. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention."

Kailani pulled back the grocery cart. "It's fine. I think I'm actually the one who ran into you."

Declan waved at the unknown woman, "Hi."

The woman turned to him and beamed. She bent forward, placing her hands on her knees so that they were nearly eye level. "Hello, handsome boy. What's your name?"

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