Fifteen: Liar, Liar, I'll Set Your Pants On Fire

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I couldn't help but hum as I arranged the cookies in a rectangular tin box. I'd be bringing this box to school. A cookie bag was reserved for Otou-sama so he could munch on them while at work, another bag of the same size for Haruto-nii-sama and Natsume-nii while I'll be leaving the rest for Okaa-sama and Yukine. I actually planned to make breakfast for everyone today but the chef looked so close to tears when I said I'll be cooking instead. I think the poor old man misunderstood. He begged not to fire him really. I reassured him but I couldn't resist the pitiful teary eyes so I relented and let him do the breakfast duties. Baking cookies was the compromise but now that I get to it, it was actually a good idea.

Otou-sama couldn't join us for breakfast today for an early meeting and Okaa-sama was too sound asleep to attend breakfast. She was up all night jotting down her ideas for new designs. She was apparently thundered with inspiration after the whole family went out yesterday.

It started with the pictures Natsume-nii uploaded from our department store excursion. Long story short, my parents got jealous. We went out again. This time, all six of us. And the itinerary was the mall in the morning, the aquarium by the afternoon, and the circus by evening. I could barely move by the time we got home. Haruto-nii-sama had to carry me to bed. Yukine and Natsume were already snoozing. It was a tiring day but it was really fun too. I never experienced something like that in my first life so it made it all the more special.

My parents had fun too. Mother, in particular, went to her sewing studio at home almost immediately when we got back. Otou-sama told me Okaa-sama pulled an all-nighter just to record down all the designs she had in mind. I was worried for a bit but apparently, it was something Okaa-sama occasionally does so it was nothing to worry about. Okaa-sama will be taking the day off though. Otou-sama had called her studio to inform them and I swear I could hear crying and begging from the other end. I wonder what was that about? Otou-sama just mercilessly hung up though. Everything was probably fine, maybe?

Otou-sama and my brothers had to leave earlier than me this time. Haruto-nii-sama and Natsume-nii had morning practice in their respective sports club and Otou-sama had a meeting. After handing them their share and promising to eat them later, they left. After a while, I left the house too.

Morning greetings went normally other than Homura jumping on me, telling me to say cheese, and taking a picture with his phone. Our picture was then set as his home screen right in front of me, embarrassingly enough. I would've told him not to if not for the fact, that he looked at me so cluelessly and innocently told me that a picture of him and his father was his lock screen so his home screen should be with me. It was almost a miracle that I didn't combust into steam right then and there.

Morning class went normally too. Though, Kanzaki Miyako was noticeably absent. She was the only one not present so it made her absence all the more noticeable. Not that I care about it in particular. I don't have any desire to associate with them anymore when I finally got myself rid of their manipulations. Morning turned noon in the blink of an eye.

It was lunch with Homura, Ryuugamine, and Kisaragi in the second floor as usual.

"Here. I baked these cookies just this morning." I took out the box I carefully prepared this morning. "It's not a bento but I hope it's alright."

They looked at the cookies in awe (Ryuugamine and Kisaragi) and disbelief (Homura).

"You baked this? Really? They don't just look delicious, right? They're not dangerous?"

You little- "Why don't you take a leap of faith and taste it first, Homura-sama?"

I smiled at Homura innocently as Homura continued to look at me suspiciously.

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