Chapter 5. The Twins

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Laila couldn't believe how convenient it was to work right across the street from her new job. Her apartment was in the middle of the financial district, so it was close to everything, stores, parks, a shopping mall, hotels. The Embarcadero was a block away and she had a great view of the bay from where she stood. She couldn't wait to explore her new neighborhood over the weekend.

Right now, she was trying to keep up with Braxton's long strides. Working with such a tall energetic man had its disadvantages. She nearly had to run to keep up with him. There was no way she could walk beside him. She found herself two steps behind him, instead. He didn't seem to notice she was having problems keeping up until they had to go up the steps. He then grabbed her arm to help her up them.

"I'm not an old lady, I can walk up the steps," she told him.

"Sorry, forgot you weren't wearing high heels." His dark eyes twinkled down at her.

He was never going to let that go, the jerk...

She expected him to release her arm, but instead he put his arm lightly around her waist and continue to help her up the steps, making sure she walked beside him. When they got to the top, she still expected him to let her go, but he rested his large hand on the small of her back as if he didn't trust her not to fall or maybe he was trying to slow down so she could keep up with him. Whatever was going through his mind, it was wreaking havoc on her nerves. His hand practically burned a scorching heat straight down to a place that shouldn't be stirring awake right now.

Stop touching me, you crazy man, before I spontaneously combust.

Never in her life had she experienced such chemistry from being around a man.

She glanced up at him, he was looking straight ahead. She wasn't sure if he even realized what he was doing.

The sound of water running distracted her and for a moment she became fascinated with the majestic water fountains that shot up several feet in the air. She hadn't paid much attention to them when she'd come here for her interview.

Braxton glanced down at her and smiled as he led her pass the fountains. So, she liked the fountains. Maybe he'd add a couple more. He noticed every move she made, every interesting glance at something they passed by, he took note.

He also noticed the men they walked past that stared at her openly. Laila didn't seem to notice, but he did, which was why he made the subtle possessive move of touching her and then looking at the other men who quickly looked away or lowered their heads and walked faster.

He opened the glass door for her as they entered the building. Laila smiled up at him and walked through. Braxton was immediately greeted in the lobby by everyone that worked there. Two young black security guards gave him broad grins as they walked to them.

"My man!" One of them said.

The other one stared curiously at Laila.

"Gentlemen, this is Laila Lane, my new executive assistant."

"Damn...she fine!"

"Don't run this one off...don't do it man..." the other one warned.

Laila stared at the two then looked back at Braxton who cleared his throat loudly.

"Sorry," they said.

"Nice to meet you, ma'am."

"We hope you stay here for a very long time, ma'am!" The other one yelled as Braxton quickly led her away from the overexcited young men.

Laila could only smile and shake her head. "I don't remember seeing them yesterday. There were two other men."

"They had the day off. We don't really need security guards. This business is run on our advance security systems so everyone that comes in is body scanned and color coded from the employees to the clients to the visitors, but I wanted to create more jobs for people. It's hard to find decent employment in this day."

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