Chapter 7: Magical Girl

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Date: April 27th, 1944
Location: Yokosuka, Fusō Empire, Asia

A Black Mask member walks around the naval port and glances at the docked aircraft carrier.

"Captain Mitchell, let's get going."

Mitchell turns and sees a young man wearing a brown cap, light green/white shirt, brown shorts, and black shoes. "Alright then, Petty Officer Hijikata."

The two walk away and leave the naval base. Once they walk out of the gates, they see a brown/green automobile with three seats. The two see a young woman in the single back seat. She is wearing a white uniform with patches on the shoulders. She has black hair styled in a ponytail and her left eye is grey since the right one is covered by a white eyepatch with a blue stripe. "Let's go."


Hijikata sits in the driver's seat while Mitchell goes to the passenger's side. "Let's see your candidate, Major Sakamoto."

They drive off.


A group of young girls are crowding a part of a small mountain. Reason why is because on a tree branch that is sticking out of the small mountain is a cat and with the cat is a girl who is hanging on tightly while trying to reach the feline.

Some of the girls are mumbling to each other. One speaks directly to the girl on the branch. "Don't, Yoshika. It's too scary. Do you want me to call the teacher?"

The girl on the branch, Yoshika, is crawling to the cat while keeping her balance. "No. I'm okay.

Once she got close, she went to reach for the feline. I got this she thought. After that, she fell. The girls below shrieked and the one who talked to Yoshika, a girl with dark blue or black long hair, has her hands covering her eyes. A few seconds later, she slowly lowers her hands and sees Yoshika holding onto the branch with her upper body while her lower half is dangling in the air. "Yoshika, that's enough. Get down here."

Yoshika brings herself back onto the branch. "Not yet. Just a little bit further." The cat meows. "Alright. Almost there."

"Be careful." The girls look at the brunette with concern.

Yoshika slides to the cat. Once she gets close, she says, "Okay. You're gonna be alright now." The branch starts going down.

It breaks off.


The branch falls to the ground. Yoshika and the cat… are safe since Yoshika's uniform got caught by what's left of the branch that remains with the small mountain. The cat meows happily and Yoshika smiles at the feline.

"Oh Yoshika…" "That was close."

However, she quickly realizes her situation and kicks her legs in the air. "Someone help me!"

"Hang on. I'll get the teacher."

Some time later…

"Did she yell at you?" The girl is smiling while Yoshika just has a frown on her face. "What was wrong with trying to save a poor kitten's life?"

"I suppose that's why I like you so much. You're always trying to do things as if you are already grown up." Yoshika rubs the back of her head while she laughs.

The girl notices something. "Hmm?" She looks to her right and sees an old man wearing a straw hat and white undershirt driving a tractor. She waves at the man. "Grandpa!" The old man waves back. "Hello Michiko." He chuckles.

The two get on the back of the trailer the tractor is pulling. They drive away from the school.

They pass by some fields. Michiko and Yoshika are chatting while riding the back of the trailer. "That's amazing." "I know."

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