Chapter 9: Lonely No More

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Date: June 1st, 1944
Location: Dover, Britannia, Europe

"Yes, sir. Major Sakamoto, Captain Mitchell, and a supplementary member named Yoshika Miyafuji have arrived." "As usual, we'll be treating her as a sergeant." "We're certainly thankful for the increased manpower." "Especially hearing that the Neuroi attacks are becoming much more irregular." "It's true, sir. Their intervals seem to be gradually narrowing from their usual weekly pattern. Increasing our numbers should help." "I doubt we'll be able to leave things as they are." "With all due respect, I refuse to have arm-chair theories imposed upon us." In a large room, four people are talking. Two are behind a desk that has three chairs. The other two are in front of them. The two at the back are older males with one having short black hair, a moustache, and brown eyes while the man on his left seems more older. He has short grey hair and is almost balding. He has brown eyes. They are wearing black suits, white shirts underneath, and black ties. One of the two is a young woman who has long dark red hair, red eyes, and is wearing a dark green uniform jacket with a small black ribbon, red panties, and brown shoes. On her shoulders are yellow patches and there two small patches on her downed collar. The last one is wearing an all black outfit which consists of a helmet, gas mask with the filter being where the mouth is, long trench coat, gloves, and boots. Around the neck is a gold necklace with a plane hanging from it.

The brown-haired man grunts and slightly glares down at the girl and BM. They stare back at him. The eldest of the four clears his throat. "All we're asking for here is results." "And you'll have them sir. "Rest assured that Britannia's skies, along with the rest of the world's, will be protected by the Strike Witches and Black Masks." The redhead smiles.


The sky is dark blue and the sun is barely getting up. Inside a room with one large bed next to a window and a dresser is someone laying under the covers. They make a noise. "Hmm.." They bring their arms up, stretching. The arms go back, moving the covers off the person, who is Yoshika. She's wearing a blue kimono.

She opens her eyes. "Huh?" She brings herself up. She yawns. She looks to her left amd sees the window. She widens her eyes and removes the covers off of her. Yoshika gets close to the window and looks out of it. She sees water and land, along with a bridge that connects the castle base to the land. "Oh that's right. I joined the Strike Witches."

Around the same time...

In another room, a person gets off a large bed and stretches. They yawn. The person is only wearing grey boxers, a gold necklace with a plane hanging from it, and bird mask. He looks out a window. "It's been a month and a couple of days since I showed up. Still new to this." He feels his shoulder and chest. "Being shot at while saving them... Hope they're okay."

He walks to the dresser in the room and opens a drawer. "Let's get this day started." He brings out a black shirt and slips it on. He pulls out a black jacket, pants, and a long trench coat. He also puts on some black socks and finally the black boots. "Today's the day we are officially introduced to the new girl Major Sakamoto and Captain Mitchell brought. I'll also get to officially meet them."

Outside the base, Mio and Keita are at a rocky beach. Mio gets up while swinging her sword. "Hah!" Keita is just on his knees and meditating. They're wearing the white uniform jacket and regular BM outfit. Mio does a downward swing and then a downward diagonal slash. "Mmm." She spins, brings her katana up, bringing her left up to the bottom of the sword's hilt, moves around, and brings the hilt close to her head with the tip of the blade pointed at what's in front of her. She then prepares to slash downward again.

Yoshika, now in her seifuku, is a couple of feet away from them. The BM wearing the bird mask tagged along with and is next to her. "Sergeant Miyafuji." "New recruit." Mio brings her arms down and turns to the two. Keita gets up and looks to them as well. "How are you doing today?" "Did you sleep okay?"

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