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Today was one of those days when Mac woke up in a bad mood and with an attitude of disgust.

The previous day's mission hadn't gone well at all, causing Mac's demeanor to be somewhat dejected and distant.

In the morning he was messed up, and he didn't even want to eat breakfast and just kept locked in his room, Riley tried to cheer him up with a couple of jokes or some games, but it didn't work.

In the afternoon she called him so they could both eat the pizza she had bought, but he just had his food and went back to his room with the same attitude that Riley doesn't like.

After eating, Riley sat on the couch thinking of some good idea to cheer Mac up after thinking for a few minutes that she finally had the perfect idea to get him to smile again.

Mac saw Riley walk out the front door and thought she was finally tired of his bad attitude. Even she gave up on him, but he can't blame her for her.

He didn't want to be this way with her, but even though he would try, he couldn't force a small smile on her, he hated himself for being this way with Riley.

About two hours passed when I heard the front door open, hinting that Riley had already returned.

"Mac, I'm back" Riley yelled from the doorway.

Mac didn't answer her and just kept quiet, he didn't want to continue bothering her with his bad mood.

"Mac, you can come to the living room, I want to show you something" Riley yelled again.

She did not give up and was persistent at work to make him laugh again, she decided to listen to him and go to the living room to see what he had to show her.

When she got to the room, she saw Riley standing in the room while holding a large box. She walked over to her until she was in front of Riley.

"What's up, Riley, what did you want to show me?" asked Mac

"this" put the box on the table in front of them

"What is it?" asked Mac

"It's something that I hope will make you smile again" Riley said with a cheerful tone.

Mac walked over to the box and opened it only to reveal a small puppy. The puppy was black, it looked to be a couple of months old. He wasn't sure what race it was, and when he saw her face, he noticed that his right eye was missing.

"a dog" said Mac

"Yes, I saw the ad a few days ago about what they had for adoption. When I went to the shelter, they told me that no one wanted to adopt him because he lost an eye," Riley said.

Riley walked over to the puppy and patted its head before fixing her gaze on Mac.

"It's ridiculous that they don't want him for that, I think he's very beautiful," Riley said.

"I thought a dog would make you happier, and besides, you can't deny he's so cute," Riley said.

"It's very cute" said Mac

Mac pulled the puppy out of the box and cradled it in his arms to pet it, a big smile lighting up Mac's face as he held the little puppy in his arms.

"OMG, you're smiling" Riley yelled happily.

"I guess this little friend makes me smile," Mac said.

"I'm glad you liked my gift" said Riley

Mac looked at Riley smiling with great joy to see him happy, he suddenly did the only thing he could think of at that moment.

Lowering the dog to the ground and letting the boy explore his new home, he quickly walked over to Riley and wrapped his arms around her before kissing her.

It didn't take Riley a second to kiss him back as she wrapped her arms around his neck. When he was short of breath, he drew back to breathe.

"The dog is not the only one that makes me smile" said Mac with a big smile

"Well now smile at me will you?" Riley said playing with her hair.

"I'll do more than smile," Mac said before kissing her again.

They parted ways when the puppy started barking at them and getting their attention, Mac smiled at the puppy and lifted him off the ground.

"And what name will we give the dog?" asked Mac

"How about his name is Jack, like the pirate?" Riley said laughing.

"You know, Jack, specifically, Jack Dalton won't like it," Mac said.

"That makes it so much better," Riley said.

"Well then, welcome to your new home, Jack" Mac welcomed the dog.

Mac and Riley smiled at each other before sharing a tender kiss and turning their attention to the puppy.

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