Ellen Macgyver

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Riley was sitting on her bed waiting for Mac to come home to give her news.

A year and a half ago she and Mac were married, and today she was four months and a couple of days pregnant, that some day she had an ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby.

Unfortunately, Mac couldn't be there because he had an unforeseen and very important mission, Riley felt a little sad about it, but Matty practically begged him to go on the mission.

Riley grinned when she looked back at the photo from that day's ultrasound, ran her hands gently over the lump on her stomach, and leaned back on the head of the bed.

It was about three hours when Riley went to the kitchen to get water, and then she saw him there, Mac was standing in the kitchen with a couple of things.

Mac turned around and smiled fondly at him before walking up to her and giving her a tender kiss on the lips.

"hello, beautiful" Mac, the greeting

"hi" she smiled at him

"I bought you some things" said Mac

"What things?" Riley asked

Mac showed him a beautiful bouquet of red roses and handed them to him "They are beautiful, Mac, thank you" Riley kissed him again

"It's not just that," Mac said and then handed her a box full of her favorite chocolates.

"Your favorite chocolates, now I won't have to go out at midnight to buy them," Mac said and Riley laughed.

"Thank you, really sweetie" Riley thanked him

"So how did the ultrasound go?" asked Mac

"Actually, I have to show you something" Riley said and went in the direction of the room and Mac followed her.

Riley walked over to the bed and sat in the corner so she could get something off the nightstand, pulled out the ultrasound photo and Mac sat next to her to look at the photo.

"It's the ultrasound image," Riley said quietly.

Mac smiled like a fool and put his hand to his mouth in amazement, he is so happy that being a father and having the image of his baby in his hands has made him even happier.

When his father and aunt died he felt completely alone being the only one in his family, then Riley came to make him happier than ever but still for a while he still had that little void in the corner of his heart, when Riley broke the news of the pregnancy that little space in his heart was completely filled when he found out he was going to be a father

Now the proof that he was not the only one in his family, the proof that he would finally become a father was in his hands.

"The doctor said it's a girl," Riley said softly at his side, pulling him out of his thoughts.

" Girl" Mac repeated without suppressing his smile.

"yes" said Riley

Mac stood up and pulled Riley's arm into his arms, Riley laughing out loud at her husband's reaction.

Mac tossed Riley onto the bed, and he lay on top so he could kiss her tenderly.

"I love you very much, as well as our little one does, said Mac, stroking his bulge

"I love you and our daughter too" said Riley.

"Have you thought of a name?" asked Mac

"Actually, I already have one, and I wanted to know if you liked it" said Riley a little nervous.

"Say it" said Mac with a look full of love and affection.

"Ellen, I want to call her Ellan Macgyver" said Riley looking into his eyes.

Mac was in shock for a second and just looked at her, surprised by the suggestion that they name his daughter after her mother.

"You do not like it?" Riley asked softly.

"I love it, Riles" Mac gave him a tender kiss on the lips

Riley giggled as Mac slid down her body until his head poked out from under her shirt.

"Mac, what are you doing?" she asked while laughing.

"I'm going to talk to our little one" said Mac

"Hello little Ellen, I am your father, I want to tell you little one that I still do not know you but I already love you with all my heart and that I would give everything for you, as your mother you are the love of my life, you are both and I cannot wait to hold you in my arms and give you all the love that I can give you, I want to be there for you all the time, I want to be able to hug you and love you all the time, and that your mother also thinks the same and I also know that your mother is going to be the best in the world, I love you my little Ellen "Mac gave his wife a kiss on the belly

When Mac popped his head out of Riley's shirt and saw her, he noticed that her cheeks were stained with tears, Mac climbed back up to Riley and wiped away the tears that had just fallen with his hands.

"I swear it's the hormones that make me cry, but what you said is beautiful" said Riley with a small smile.

"And it's all completely true, I love you both." Mac placed a small kiss on Riley's forehead.

He moved to her side and simply hugged his wife, giving her all the love he felt for her and for her daughter, for her little Ellen Macgyver.

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