Internet Boyfriend

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(I've never been on a plane and have no idea how timezones work so...:P)

Dream sighed happily and put his phone down. He got up and started getting dressed into day clothes. He grabbed his backpack, jacket, phone, and shoes and left his house. He drove to Sapnap's house and waited for him to come out.

"Hey dude, can I copy your homework?"

"Why do you never do your own homework?"

"Because he's an idiot that spends all his time playing Call of Duty." George spoke through the phone speaker.

"Hey Gogy aren't you suppose to be in class! Bye!" Sapnap hung up and put his phone back in his pocket. "So did you speak with your loverboy this morning?" Dream blushed and lightly punched Sapnap. "This guy is catfishing you dude. I don't trust him. Who the hell says he's some dutch dude, that's the same age as you, and likes most of the same stuff you do."

"George is some british dude, a few years older than us, that likes the same stuff we do."

"But we've known George for years, you've known this guy for a few months." Dream groaned and stopped at a light. He pulled out his phone quickly to text his boyfriend.

Fox Boy🧡: class is starting. ik hou van jou
Dreamy💚: Love you too. Read 7:24 AM

Dreamy💚: I wish I could meet you.
Sapnap still doesn't trust you

He put his phone back in his pocket and continued driving to the school. He and Sapnap started talking about random things until they split up to go to their classes.

Dream felt his phone halfway through math class and made an excuse to go to the bathroom. He checked the message.

Fox Boy🧡: :( I wanna meet you too

Fundy smiled when he saw his boyfriend typing. 'I really wanna meet Dream. Maybe I can convince my parents to let me go to America.'

Dreamy💚: Maybe someday :(

He put down his phone and walked downstairs to where his dad was reading the newspaper. "Hey dad..." He looked up and smiled.

"Hey Fundy, what's up?"

"I was wondering if we could go on vacation during my school break." He thought about it for a minute.

"Where do you want to go?"

"America." He looked at Fundy suspiciously for a second.

"Isn't that where your boyfriend lives?" He nodded. "I'll talk to your mother when she gets home." He smiled and thanked his father. He went back to his room and was about to tell Dream when he thought about it. 'Maybe I should make it a suprise.'

After his mother got home they talked to her about and then started planning their trip to Florida for Fundy's next school break. His parents were always supportive of his relationships so of course they'd support him with this. Although they were taken back when he first told them about Dream a little less than two months ago, they still supported him.

Fundy managed to keep his trip to Miami secret for three weeks and it was finally the day he was going to get on the plane and fly to his boyfriend. It was early in the morning for him so Dream probably wasn't awake. He couldn't calm him before the flight. This is suppose to be a suprise anyway, Fundy told himself. He sent a quick text saying he wont be able to talk today and put his phone in the pocket of his hoodie. He grabbed his carry-on bag and suitcase.

The plan was to fly to Miami and go to their hotel. Then tomorrow when the school day ends, Fundy was going to get an Uber to Dream's school and wait for him outside. They were staying in Florida for a little less than a week.

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