The Greatest Gift

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 Married life wasn't as hard as they showed in the movies, or you heard about, around town. Actually, it was the opposite. Our 1st anniversary was around the corner, and I had no idea what I was going to do. I wanted to do something like the theme of our wedding, but I had no clue. I had to plan a special day in a week. And before I knew it. A week was gone. It was our anniversary and I still had no plans. I had to work that day, morning shift. By the time I got home, I was exhausted. As I exited the elevator on our floor, I noticed the sunflower and pink rose petals on the hallway leading to the door. 'Ah Amara, what did you set up for us?' I followed the petals to the door. There was a note, saying "Don't open until you go back. First step, first place <3" First step, first place. What does that mean? It couldn't be the first place we met... The first place we met up in California. The corner of the street by the apartment. So I went down in the elevator and walked to the corner, and sure enough, there was another sticky note. "Nice memory, now. Who made the first move? <3 <3" I did. I kissed her at the hospital when I was pregnant. I hopped in my car, and drove to the hospital. I walked in and went to ask the nurse if Amara had stopped by, but apparently she already knew who I was, and handed me yet another sticky note. "Havin' fun yet? I sure am. Only 2 more to go, babydoll. Two words. Perfect Painting. <3 <3 <3" By the window, the place we got engaged. I see now. It's a trip down memory lane so to speak. First, was where we met and moved in together, second was our first kiss, now it's where we got engaged. I drove back to the apartment, and rode the elevator to our floor, and followed the petals to our door. I opened it and sure enough, right there on the window was another sticky note. "Isn't it a beautiful view? Not as beautiful as you, or the next place you need to go. <3 <3 <3 <3" The beach where we got married. So again, I hopped into my car, and drove to the little corner of the beach where we got married. And there stood Bobby. I got out of the car, and walked over to her.

"Hey. Tell me you're not helping her with this."

Instead of answering me, like a decent human being, she just held up another sticky note. I grabbed it out of her hand.

"Gee thanks." I rolled my eyes and laughed at her, then headed back to my car.

Once I was in, I read the note."Last one, I promise. Now. This next place you've already been, but just go once more. I promise, it'll be worth it <3 <3 <3 <3 <3" So. It probably wasn't the apartment, I highly doubt it was the beach. That left the hospital. But why? Why go back there? I guess I'll have to find out. I drove back to the hospital, and walked through the doors. I walked back to the nurse.

"I'm assuming I'm meant to come back here?"

"Yep. Go up to the 3rd floor, 2nd room on the left."

I walked over to the elevator and pushed for the 3rd floor. I couldn't imagine what she had in mind. I mean. A hospital wasn't the most romantic of places, but I was happy anywhere I was with her. The ding of the elevator snapped me out of my thoughts. I walked to the 2nd room on the left, and on the door was the final sticky note "You made it baby" I opened the door, and sitting there on the hospital bed, with a picture in her hand, was my beautiful wife.

"Glad you could join us." She had the big smile she had on her face the day we got married. I looked around the room, but didn't see anyone.

"Who do you mean, us?" I asked. She grabbed what looked like a photo, and handed it to me. I took a look at it, and my jaw dropped. I mean. We had been talking about this, but I never would've expected it as an anniversary present.

"You're.... really? You did this all to tell me this?" I was excited, and at this point I think my smile was as big as hers was.

"Yes. I know we've been talking about it, so I decided to as a surprise. Are you okay that I did?" Okay? Was I okay with it?

"Baby, absolutely I'm okay with it. I am 100% ready to go on this journey with you. I am 100% ready to start a family with you."

The first few months of the pregnancy were hard on Amara. Morning sickness had her on the couch everyday. Cravings were manageable: chocolate, peanut butter, and cheese. Sometimes separate, sometimes mixed together. The mood swings weren't terrible. That wasn't until the third trimester. Oh good lord, that was fun. Mood swings, hot flashes making me turn the air conditioning on in the winter time, but I wouldn't have traded it for the world. Amara and the baby were my world. We were married 20 year olds with a baby on the way. Everything was perfect.

The day our little girl was born was the second best day of my life, after my wedding. During the birthing process, Amara was screaming, and crying as she pushed, and the contractions hit. But seeing our little princess's face made everything worth it. She had dark blue eyes, and light blonde hair. She was perfect. I cried as I held her. Happy tears, yes, but I was also terrified. I didn't want to raise my daughter the way I was raised. I vowed to myself that day, that I would do anything in my power to give her the life that I worked so hard to achieve. 

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