Ch. 27

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"Welcome to the Runway of Death, Ryuko" Nui announced
Lights were then turned on to reveal Ragyo in a new outfit. "This word belongs to the Life Fibers and try as you might you cannot stop the advent of the starseed cocoon sphere"

"We will stop it" Satsuki said, "Kiryuin blood flows through our veins, that will give us the power to"
"Besides, we already killed the Primordial Life Fiber" Ryuko added, "you're done. so give up"
"Be careful, Ryuko" Senketsu warned, "she's dangerous. Even more now than ever before"
"It's cool, don't freak out" Ryuko said

"Your kamui warned you, my dear" Ragyo smirked.
Yuyuki blinked in question, 'did she just-?'
"Behold, Life Fiber Domination - Shinra Kouketsu!"

"Time for the finishing touch, Hououmaru" Nui said
"Ready" the said girl confirmed and red threads then grabbed on to her and pulled her into Shinra Kouketsu, absorbing her into it.
Ragyo laughed, "Now, you'll know what true fear is, my foolish daughters!"


"Get ready!" Yuyuki blinked in confusion and looked up to see Uzu on a pillar of one-star students, about to attack the tower cloaked in red, "here's the Ultra Goku Uniform Battle Formation! Charge!!"
"Uzu, don't!!" Yuyuki yelled but it was too late

All the students crashed into it and were flown off, but Uzu was persistent and ran back at it, "I'm not quitting yet!!" he yelled and tried to stab into it, only to be flung off.

"It's a high-velocity Life Fiber Jammer" Iori said, "the fibers spin so fast they deflect -"
"Woah! It's like a ginormous rubber sock!" Mako said, cutting off Iori

"Uzu! Are you okay?" Yuyuki asked kneeling next to him
"That's what you get for jumping in head first" Nonon said
"Oh, I swear, you never learn" Houka sighed

"Unless we shut that Jammer off..." Mikisugi said
"we're stuck with our asses hanging out" Tsumugu finished

"Damn it" Yuyuki cursed then looked up when she heard the explosion go off where Ryuko and Satsuki were fighting Ragyo, "we can't do anything for now" she said

Suddenly, a bright appeared, blinding everyone. Even the ones of the ground.
Yuyuki opened her eyes and gasped, "What the hell?!"
"No way!"
"My stars are gone!"

"Shinra Kouketsu: Absolute Submission!

"This is Ragyo's doing?" Yuyuki asked in fear

"Shinra Kouketsu was designed to be the master of all Life Fibers" Ragyo said, "those that rebel against it, tremble in fear and are rendered powerless. This is Absolute Submission" she then snapped her fingers and some screens were shown of people all over the world, "here is the world seen via our satellites. Look at all those people. Every one of them wears Revocs clothing. When I unleash the power of Absolute Submission upon the world, the dormant Life Fibers in their clothing will awaken. Every human will be swallowed by their clothing, and the earth will be covered in a single piece of cloth. New Life Fibers will be born inside this cocoon sphere, and when the planet explodes, they will scatter across the cosmos. This is how the universe works, and you no longer have means of opposing me"

Yuyuki growled frozen in place. Then they all heard stomping.

"As long as we're alive, we'll appose you!" Tsumugu and Mikisugi yelled as they merged their DTRs
"We're striping down..." TSumugu said
"to our nudist souls..." Mikisugi continued
"in our Ultimate Double Naked DTR-" As they finished Ragyo hit them with such a strong force that they were sent to the Jammer and then fell on the ground.

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