Merry Christmas

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Merry Christmas you all, for my gift to you I decided to make a Christmas chapter (of course it's not apart of the actual story). So have a great and wonderful Christmas and I hope this chapter can make you even a little bit happier.

"Is everything set up" Irisviel asked her son, Shirou as he had placed a tray in the oven

"Yeah, though we still have to get through putting up the decorations" Shirou told his mother as he set up a timer on his phone so that he gets reminded when to check on the cake.

"Well, let us go and do it now then" Irisviel told Shirou with a smile on her face

"You don't need to do it yourself Ms. Irisviel" Sella but into the conversation

"But what should I do then" Irisviel asked as she seemed like she wanted to do something.

"Don't you still have to give invites" Leysritt added in while she stretched her body on the sofa, as if she just woke up.

"We do, thank you for the reminder" Irisviel thanked Leysritt for reminding them and started walking to the stairs.

"So, let's get started on decorating" Shirou told Sella as he smiled at her

"..Don't mess this up" Sella warned Shirou

"The kid won't, after all he's amazing at this sort of stuff" Muramasa cut in as he walked downstairs with a yawn, having probably just woken up.

"Thanks Muramasa" Shirou thanked his servant for the praise


The alternative Shirou was inside his house and was eating with his sister, Miyu as well as with his lover, Angelica. Also, behind him not eating anything was his Archer servant, Emiya Alter as Miyu liked calling him.

"Onii-chan" Miyu called out to Shirou as he was eating some of his katsudon and he then swallowed it.

"Yes Miyu" Shirou replied with as he looked at Miyu wondering what she wanted

"Illya invited us to a Christmas party, can we all go" Miyu asked Shirou as he gave her a smile

"Sure we can, though what time did she say it was" Shirou asked his sister

"She said it was at 7" Miyu told her big brother

'So it's in seven hours' Shirou thought to himself

"Well, let's get ready at 6 and take a taxi there" Angelica told Shirou and Miyu as they agreed with Angelica for their plan of when to get ready and how to get there.


The the house of the Edelfelts, Luvia and Ozymandias were eating a breakfast that looked to be made by a top chef.

"Miss Luvia, Irisviel Von Einzbern has arrived. What do you want us to do" a butler asked Luvia

"Let me greet her" Luvia told her butler as he nodded and Luvia got up from her chair

"Go and hear their requests" Ozymandias urged Luvia as she nodded and walked out of the dining room.


Bazett was inside a convince store, working as a cashier.

"That is all, thank you for shoping here" Bazett gave a goodbye to a customer with her voice being monotone the whole time

"Missy, why are you working in here" Bazett's lancer servant, Cú Chulainn asked telepathically

"So I can get money" Bazett telepathically answered her servants question

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