4. Nightmare

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Rebekah's POV

My family decided to stay at cottage house for a while after Melina settled in new home and get to know her little more if she feel up to. Klaus and Melina became very close friend they ever had, well really Klaus is Melina's uncle now since I agreed to adopted her as my daughter. Elijah, Freya and Hayley loves Melina so much and enjoy talking to her and get along very well. Hope just sleeping in Hayley's arms but she isn't talking yet until she little older and enough to play with Melina because she just a baby, 1 year old to be exact and Melina is 7.

It's almost midnight, and Hayley just put Hope in crib by the couch where Hayley will be sleeping on, Klaus will be sleeping on other couch opposite to Hayley. Freya and Elijah build beds in attic so I'll sleep on my own bed and Melina in next room to mine, Klaus build new bed for Melina in spare room that where Hope used to sleep in, more like nursery room but it's gone now as it is Melina's bedroom now. We all agreed that we will go shopping to gather stuff for Melina's new room without her knowing as it is surprise for her, I can't wait.

"Melina, it's time to go bed now." I said.

"Okay." She said yawn and rubbing her eyes, I smile and pick her up before went to upstairs.


Elijah's POV

I watched Rebekah carrier Melina to her new room, I smile at the sight of them... Rebekah is going to be great mother to Melina and she already is. I'm so happy that she is happy for having Melina as her own daughter, but sometimes I do worry about Melina's safety and the world we are in, full of dangerous.

"She's so brilliant with her." Freya said smile.

"Oh yeah she is." Klaus said start to smile.

"I'm glad she's happy." Hayley said smile.

"Yeah I do." I said smile at all of them, "well we have a busy day tomorrow and I think we all should go sleep too." I added, they all nodded.

"Well, goodnight guys." Freya said before walking to stairs and I followed her behind after I said goodnight to them.


Rebekah's POV

After I tucked her in, Melina yawn again, I smile how adorable she is, I lean down to kiss her forehead before about to leave her room.

"Goodnight mummy." I froze and turn round to see her sleeping, I smile and felt tears falling down as I close the door gently, then turn round and jump back a bit but was startled as Elijah and Freya was standing in front of me.

"Sorry to startle you." Freya said smiles.

"Was that first word she ever said to you?" Elijah asked I nodded, they both smile and hugged me before said goodnight in whispers.

A half hour later... (12:10am)

I woke up to hear whimpers next to room, I get out of bed and walk to Melina's room but stopped when I saw Klaus sat on her bed and stroke her head then saying it's alright it only dream that when I realise she was having nightmare.

"I saw them... they were eating my family." Melina said whimpers with tears in her eyes.

"Hey, they're not gonna hurt you, you have family right here and we will protect you no matter what." Klaus said I smile even though they can't see me smile but don't want to interrupt them...

"Promise?" She asked, Klaus nodded and kiss her forehead.

"Of course. Just like I promised your mother." Klaus said, I remember back in time when I was round Melina age that I was having nightmares and Klaus was there to keep me safe and to show it's not real but feel like it.

"She has a nightmares?" Melina asked.

"When she was round your age." He said, "I kept her safe and she won't having nightmares anymore... I always gave her wooden knight toy to keep her safe and keep dreams away. Right now I gave it to Hope and she still has it. But I promise you, I'm not letting anyone hurt you." He added, I felt tears falling down so hard, and more and more coming down, "I can wait here until you fall sleep, I'm here to protect you."

"Thank you uncle Klaus." She said I smile.

"Now, go to sleep and don't worry." He said.

I step backwards quietly and went to my room before closing my eyes until I fall in darkness.


The next day.

I woke up to smell of pancakes, I sighed and get out of bed before change in some clothes and went downstairs to see everyone up including Melina, she see me and ran to me before I pick her up and cuddles.

"Good morning." She said I smile.

"Good morning sweetie." I said before put her down and went to Freya, I took seat next to Klaus... Elijah is in kitchen cooking breakfast.

"Slept well?" Klaus asked I nodded.

"Yeah, a good one." I said smile, he smile.

"Dream something good?" He asked.

"Actually yeah, a best one." I said, I said that because I dreamed of Klaus and Melina talking last night about her nightmares.

"Do tell." He smirked I roll my eyes.

"You and Melina." I said.

"Oh, did we go on fun hunting?" He asked.

"Klaus." I said look at him, raise my brows up.

"Okay I'm sorry it was joke." He said.

"I heard you two talking. Last night about nightmares." I said he seem surprised.

"How long?" He asked.

"Pretty much all of it." I said smile, "thank you, for not scaring her too much." I laugh and he did too before pull me in hug tightly.

"You're welcome." He said kiss my forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2020 ⏰

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