Once upon a time...
There was this thing. Now I know what you're thinking,"What is this thing?". Well this thing is called an Idea. Ideas are everything, from the idea of evolution to the idea of religion.If it weren't for Ideas we wouldn't have beautiful works of art, or even personalities. You look at an idea and most likely think,"There is no way that is going to become anything."
Look at Albert Einstein .
Look at Books.
Look at yourself...
We all started with an Idea, like characters of a play, if it weren't for that Idea we wouldn't be here. If your parents hadn't thought of having you, you wouldn't be here. I wouldn't be here. The world wouldn't even exist. All of us. We are all Ideas. So don't push them down as just,"A thing.". This thing is an Idea. And Ideas Grow To be More than a thing...