Unexpected Stranger

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What is it about love that we crave so much?

The feeling that can bring you the most hope, but also the most despair.

What is it that we're risking even our sanity just to feel a few moments what love.. affection is like?

Is it worth it?

No, it's fucking not.

I couldn't stop staring at my phone, shaking, after reading the most heartbreaking text I've ever received.

It was cold, I was shivering, but I'm pretty sure the shivering was not because of the December's cold weather. The soft snow fell on my light brown locks, tears were filling the corner of my eyes, which read the text over and over.

"It's over, I'm sorry. I can't do this anymore. I saw my ex and realized I still had feelings for her. I'm so sorry. I wish you the best."

No, you aren't sorry. If you were sorry you could've at least told me in person. I wouldn't be standing here like a fucking dumbass in front of our favorite restaurant that contained so many memories of us together. Our first date, our first-year anniversary, our engagement.

I was so lost and deep in my thoughts I hadn't realized my legs were moving for themselves. I suddenly wasn't standing in front of that restaurant anymore, I was now standing on a small bridge, which faced the almost-frozen river.

Everything was full of colorful lights, yet I felt so dull. It's like I could only see black and white now. The pain in my chest wouldn't stop, but I'd grown familiar to it by now. My legs felt weak, my arms were too shaken up for me to have complete control over them- did I mention it was freezing too?

I was wearing a fancy red dress, which reached a little upper than my knees, long sleeved with a turtleneck and beige high heels. My makeup was probably ruined by know, but it was night already, so I didn't care at all. Heck, how could I care about my looks when I was just dumped? And in New Years? This has to be a fucking joke.

I keep staring down at the river, looking at my own reflection on it.

I knew this would happen. I had a hunch. I'm never wrong... that's my ability after all.

How did I try to go against my own ability? Did I really think love would be stronger than my ability itself? How fucking delusional can I be? This isn't some love story where love can overcome anything- that's the opposite of how real life works.

A sudden hunch interrupted my thoughts. I suddenly found myself running down from the bridge to the river, and saw... a pair of legs? Was somebody drowning?

"For fucks sake." I groaned, taking my heels off quickly and went into the freezing river water and oh boy it was way too cold.

I dived my head in the water completely shutting my eyes off, trusting my touch and intuition to rescue the person who was drowning. Suddenly I felt my body crash onto another.

It was the person.

I looked for their wrist and pulled them back to the surface, dragging them to the ground. I sat next to the person, panting, and trying to catch my breath. I then looked down next to the person I just saved and stared at them.

It was a guy, probably a year or two older than me.

His long brown curly wet hair covered almost all of his face, his face was perfectly symmetrical, I was only a few meters away from him, but I could just see how soft his lips looked. His nose was slightly turned up and jawline as sharp as a knife. His eyes were still closed. He was unconscious.

This man was beautiful.

A cough interrupted my thoughts. The handsome stranger had woken up, and he was throwing up water.

"Man, who interrupted my suicide attempt?!" The guy said annoyed, pouting.

Suicide attempt? 

Despair, Love or both?  - DAZAI OSAMU X OCWhere stories live. Discover now