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Since they exchanged numbers they've been texting non-stop, Murphy sends him selfies and he gets sent back selfies

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Since they exchanged numbers they've been texting non-stop, Murphy sends him selfies and he gets sent back selfies. They've shared memes and they've talked about the hard stuff, Murphy has told Buck about the anxiety he has with his Baba not supporting his choice and Murphy learned that Buck had a sister named Maddie.

Murphy even was encouraged by Buck to talk to his parents again, Murphy didn't want to but Buck told him he would regret it if he didn't which Murphy knew Buck was right. He pocketed his phone after he finished texting Buck to ease his anxiety, he knew that even if Buck didn't see his texts right now he would later and Murphy would hopefully get to text back with good results.

Murphy was sitting at the kitchen table waiting for his parents, he was nervous. "He's coming, he just wants to get his bearings first," Simon said as he walked into the kitchen sitting next to Murphy. "Are you sure he's going to understand?"

Murphy looked at Simon pleadingly. "I don't know honestly, I've talked to him and he's calmed down and he's willing to talk to you." Simon reached over and grabbed Murphy's hand squeezing it. "Least I got you and Buck."

Simon looked over at Murphy smirking who widened his eyes and shook his head quickly. "No no, it would never work." Simon's smile brightened when Murphy realized he didn't deny he liked Buck, his shoulders slumped in defeat. "I do like Buck but I'm dying, I can't do that to him."

Still silent Simon sadly nods at Murphy, the conversation is put at a standstill when they hear footsteps walking towards the kitchen Murphy turns around to watch as Adam walks through the door. To be honest, Adam looks awful, it looks like he's gotten no sleep and Murphy knows he's the reason.

Adam sighs and sits down next to Simon. "I have nightmares about you dying Murphy, I know that you don't want to die." Murphy shakes his head quickly at what his Baba said. "I don't want to die, Baba, you have to understand that. You also have to understand that I would rather not suffer, If that means cutting my suffering short then I'm going to do no matter what anyone says."

Murphy was tense as his eyes followed Adam's movements, Adam gripped Simon's hand before nodding in defeat. "I know that, it's just going to be hard to see my baby leave us." Adam looked at Murphy with sad eyes before holding out his free hand for Murphy to take.

"Does that mean you don't hate me? That you'll be there when I die?"

Adam looked at Murphy shocked before dropping Simon's hand to get closer to Murphy. "You were worried that I would hate you and you wouldn't get to say goodbye to me?" Murphy nodded slowly sniffing quietly. "Baby, I would never hate you. Would I be mad? Sure but I would ultimately respect your choices, I may not understand them but you're my son nothing can break that bond."

Murphy jumped up and wrapped his arms around Adam squeezing tightly. "Thank you, Baba." Adam nodded and kissed Murphy on the head before pulling back.

"When is your next appointment?"

Murphy looks at Simon and gulps looking down at his hands. "My appointments are biweekly, I have one tomorrow actually."

Simon opened his mouth to ask the question that Murphy knew was coming but Adam beat him to it. "Can we go to it? I know you will have more but I would like to learn symptoms and things like that."

Murphy opened his mouth but closed it quickly, but then nodded before replying. "Sure that's okay, but you just need to be prepared for death talk okay?" Adam looked down but slowly nodded. "Did you tell Carson and Brent yet?"

Murphy leaned back in his chair and folded his arms in his lap. "Yes, Brent had told me that Carson blamed himself because if not for him having food poisoning I wouldn't be there but I told him he kinda saved my life and then explained what they found." Simon reached over and grabbed Murphy's hand squeezing it for comfort.

"They were shocked that I wasn't going to get treatment but I guess they were okay with it."

Adam furrowed his brows. "What do you guess? You don't know how they reacted?" Murphy blushed and sunk in his chair wanting to hide. "I got distracted."

Simon smirked at Murphy finally understanding what Murphy means. "Buck?" Murphy nodded slowly, he was embarrassed.

Adam widened his eyes and leaned forward in his chair. "Who is Buck?" Murphy coughed in his hands before leaning forward to explain.

"Buck is the firefighter who saved me, I went to his station after I got back from my first appointment and I just thanked him. I found it easy to explain everything to him, I felt embarrassed but he assured me it was no big deal and then when I went to eat with Brent and Carson we ate outside. Behind us there was a fire going on, sure enough, there was Buck."

Murphy looked down and twiddled his fingers in his lap. "He asked me why I was there so I told him that I was telling my friends about my cancer. I also told him that I hoped it went better than telling you guys that I wasn't getting treatment." Murphy didn't mean to make Adam feel bad but he did. "Sorry." Adam shrugged at Murphy's comment.

"I deserved it, I made you feel like I would abandon you which was never in my thoughts at all."

Murphy gave Adam and slight smile nodding his head showing he understood. "I know that now, but Buck gave me his number in case I needed to vent to someone if it didn't go well. We've been texting every day since then."

Adam shares a glance with Simon who was grinning widely, Simon faced Murphy still with a grin on his face. "You like him."


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Until The End || Evan Buckley ✓Where stories live. Discover now