9. HeartLover (Part 2/3)

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Yo I need to write! lol imma put alarms XD SO I CAN REMEBER...ALSOOO...I'LL TELL U AFTER THIS CHAPTER....Hehe...

"I don't know where he is?" Adrien says
"We have to leave China!" Plagg says


"HeartLover I found you!"
"Ugh no! It's LoveBug!"
*Hawkmoth* "She must've gotten hit"
"Stop talking to hawkmoth and let's get that stupid Chat Noir!"
*Hawkmoth* "Help her! Getting her miraculous would be childs play!"
*HeartLover* "Lets find him together!"

Meanwhile with Adrien

In Paris

"I need your help! Ladybug gotten hit!"
"Did she get Akumasties?"

Master fu gets the miracle box and sets it in front of Adrien

"Make a wise decision Adrien!"
"Hm..Can i get two?"
"Yes do you have a plan?"
"Yes! I hope it works!"

Adrien picks up the mouse miraculous and the fox.

"Good luck!"

Adrien leaves

"Plagg Claws Out!"

Adrien transforms into Chat

Adrien makes his way to China

"Who do i give it to?"

Adrien puts the miraculous in his pockets

Ladyb- I mean LoveBug comes and ties Chat with her yo yo.

"Cataylsum" IDK How to spell that

Philip is watching them

*Hawkmoth* "You need more help"

Philip leaves them

"Lucky Charm!"
"How does it work..I-I!"
"I'm much stronger than you think!"

A yoyo falls to the floor

"Another one!"

Lovebug manages to tie him again with the yoyo!

"You will never win!"
Chat thinks about if he kisses her maybe it will take the spell off her.

Chat kissed LoveBug but..

"That doesn't work for me! Silly Kitty!

LoveBug takes his ring

"Ha! I won!"

LoveBug puts it on

"Plagg Claws out!"

Lovebug feels very powerful but weak

She leaves him

"I should use the other miraculous. I need to hurry!"

He takes out the mouse miraculous

Mullo comes out

"Just say Mullo Get Squeaky!"

Adrien has a mouse theme suit on

Mouse (lol idk a good superhero name for him...🤣) ran through Paris to find LoveBug

"Good you're here! Oh and you have both miraculous!" HeartLover said

He reaches for it but LoveBug blocks him

"Give me the mirculous LoveBug!"
"I thought you love me!"
"I do but...

Mouse found them

"They are distracted!"

He goes closer to them

"I do but for us to be together. I need both miraculouses!"
"Give it!"

Mouse jumps on top of LoveBug and reaches for either one of the miraculouses. He got the Ladybug. He then runs for it.

Mouse says the words to make him small.

"Where did he go!?" They both said at the same time.

There was many mice and 2 of them so Adrien was able to escape. Adrien waited until they realized that he wasn't there. After a 1 min they realized it.

"He's not here!" LoveNoire or LadyNoire said to HeartLover who was trying to catch one of the Mices.
"Ugh! Find Him!"
"I'm finding him because I want to!" She said as she left.

HeartLover left as well.

Mouse came to the other mice and regrew himself. He detransfrom. He puts the Ladybug earrings on and Tikki came. He gave them both cheese.

"It's the only food i have."

They both accept it.

"Tikki, Do you know who is Rena Rouge is?"

Also well actually was i wanted to post all week of Christmas but i guess i forgot...heh D: Also I been making some drafts bc i have ideas for new stories but i need to post on thissss before i can actually post those ones! anywho...Thanks For Reading! Have a great day!

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