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(I wrote this last year for le school, so it's not amazing XD

but tbh, it kinda captures what goes on in *points at head* this crazy place pretty well lol)

Prompt: "Where is the teacher?" Write a narrative with a first sentence that answers the question.


What Happens When Teachers Aren't Around

As told by Mya Kilian

Written by Sunny

"Where is the teacher?" Lucy Rianna asked, throwing her hands up above her head. I shrugged helplessly.

"I think she said she had to go photocopy something," said Charlie Oakridge. Lucy groaned, putting her face in her hands.

I gazed around at the mayhem our classroom had become. Pencils were scattered on the floor after someone had been throwing them around, like a flower girl tossing petals onto the aisle. Paper airplanes and paper balls were flying across the room, classmates attempting to win the battle. A boy had jumped into the recycling bin, causing everything inside of it to spill out. Two boys were standing on the desks, dancing and jumping. A group of girls were singing pop songs that I'd never heard of at the top of their lungs. Kids were writing and drawing some weird stuff on the whiteboards. In the corner, there were four boys holding computers and two girls holding phones, playing video games and blasting music. Someone had raided the pantry where all the craft supplies were, and paint was now splattered across the desks. Not to mention the jolly ol' screaming and people flinging themselves around the classroom.

The ones who weren't involved in the madness were either cowering under the desks and behind the plants, or people like us brave enough to still be standing.

It was complete and utter chaos.

"At this point, the class is going to become an absolute mess," I shouted over the noise.

"You think?" Lucy said irritably. "We're one of the only people still sane enough to be talking!"

"What are we going to do?" Charlie asked, a worried look in his chocolate brown eyes.

"I don't know!" Lucy pulled down on her blonde ponytail frustratedly. "Our peers have descended into a state that I have never seen!"

"Do you think... Maybe we could—" I moved out of the way of two boys who were chasing each other "—try talking it out?"

"To make them see sense?" Charlie shook his head. "Impossible."

"What he said," Lucy agreed. "We lost them the moment Sean Lee declared war on the carpet." I shuddered, glancing over in remorse at what remained of the once soft, blue carpet now turned multi-coloured and rough from the paint.

"I thought we lost them when Catherin sat on that stack of 10 chairs and said that unicorns don't exist— but whatever," said Charlie.

"They don't," I said. "No matter how much we wish it to be true."

"I know that! It's just—"

"There's no time for chit-chat!" Lucy cut him off. "We have to find a way to find the teacher before all heck breaks loose! Breaks more than it has, that is." Lucy sighed, putting her hands on her hips. "Now, I was thinking that we need to find a way to get rid of them." Lucy was referring to the two boys that were guarding the door into the classroom, the only ones stopping from the Rebellion — what we liked to call ourselves — from leaving the class to get help.

"But how?" asked Charlie. "Those two are terrifying." I nodded in agreement. They had chosen the two biggest and toughest kids in the class to guard the door. They both played tackle football, so they looked pretty strong. It was also rumoured in the 4th grade one of them picked up a kid and threw him across the room. No one wanted to try getting past them, not if it meant getting pummeled to death.

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