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(again, I made this last year for school XD

it's not the best, but i love it with all my heart

Shoutout to my Grade 7 teacher for reading 29 pages worth of writing (sorry).

Thanks, Mom (though it might've been Dad) for giving me the best superhero name for my protagonist. Truly, the Master of Puns title should belong to you.)


Paige Turner

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Paige Turner

Origin Issue

Sunshine Comics

Graphics and Story by Sunny

Our story begins on the warm, spring day of May 23rd, 2021. The great city of Xiefield was bustling with people walking to and from work. Xiefield was a lively city, bursting with colour and creativity at every corner. The city was always buzzing with chatter and action. But, there was one thing that made this city different: Superheroes!

Superheroes with all sorts of powers: super-strength, invincibility, flight, and telepathy to name a few. These superheroes helped protect the citizens of Xiefield from petty crime to villainous plots to interdimensional monsters!

It all started as an unremarkable day. No supervillains showed up, no terrifying mutant beasts came to attack the city. Besides the group of thieves failing an attempt to steal from a bank, nothing out of the ordinary happened. At least, that's what everyone thought.

One would think that on such a beautiful day children should be outside and playing, but not Nadia Carmello. She was staring hard at a large textbook in the library. Now, it wasn't strange to see Nadia reading in the library instead of going outside, but her situation wasn't exactly normal. Instead of the usual happy, serene look she had when reading, her face was covered with worry and stress.

Her teacher had just told them they had a test the next day, and the students only had today to study. If a student got lower than 90% he would unrealistically fail them! Nadia was trying to get as much studying done as possible in the limited amount of time she had.

Notes piled upon notes were scattered across the desk. Nadia gripped the textbook as if her life depended on it, only blinking every 30 seconds. She held it so hard that dark red half-moons appeared on the tips of her fingers. When words started to swim off of the textbook pages, Nadia finally looked away. She set the book down, rubbing her eyes. Her head felt like it was going to explode! She decided she needed a quick break to rest her brain.

She got up out of her seat and turned to begin walking around the library, prepared to finally relax for a few minutes.

Then smashed face-first into a wall.

Nadia was knocked backwards, stumbling to regain her footing. Her glasses fell off her nose from the impact. She looked at the wall, bewildered.

Since when has that wall been there? thought Nadia. I need a break more than I thought!

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