Chapter 5: Solar

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*Disaster has struck and it's time to test (Y/n)'s courage against the odds. (Play music above to enhance the chapter's plot)*

Fire. That's all he could see was fire blazing hot, a raging inferno.

He froze up he didn't react or do anything, all he could do was stare at the blazing fire destroy itself and collapse in on itself.

The ship shook from the force of the explosion once again throwing him into something.

Or more particularly, someone.

Captain Amelia.

(Y/n)'s sudden tumble threw him into her knocking both of them down onto the floor.

Amelia let out an 'oomph!' As she felt him land on her, his face going into her chest.

(Y/n) let out a groan as he slowly lifted himself up and blushed at the position the two were in.

"Sorry..I didn't..I mean-" (Y/n) stammered as he tried to explain why he had his face practically shoved into her breasts.

Amelia rolled her eyes and put a hand over his face and threw him off her.

"I must get to the helm before chaos ensures or worse..." Amelia stated as she retrieved her coat and hat then fixed her collar and her sleeves.

Much to (Y/n)'s dismay.

"Mr.(L/n) You will assist the crew in our safety correct?" She ordered reverting back to her commanding aura.

"Yes Ma'am." (Y/n) nodded watching her run off into the deck. 

"Evasive action Mr. Turnbuckle!" Amelia shouted to the alien helmsman as she raced up the stairs to the helm.

"A-aye Captain!" The alien helmsman strained out as he fought against the pull of the exploding sun.

(Y/n) stumbled out of the statesroom panicked and unsure of what to do crew members raced back and forth trying to find someway to help with the escape.

"Mr.(L/n)! Command the gunners don't let the meteors hit the ship!" Mr. Arrow shouted to (Y/n) as he ordered the others to climb the shrouds and secure the sails.

(Y/n) grabbed a random group of sailors and shoved them at the guns.

"Man the cannons!" (Y/n) shouted.

The crew members scrambled for the guns rotating them towards the soaring balls of fire.

"On my Mark!" (Y/n) shouted lifting his arm up.

(Y/n) narrowed his eyes, he had to time this right.

"Prepare to fire!" (Y/n) shouted

"Grrr what er we waitin' for!?" One of the crew members growled.

"Hold! Hold!"

(Y/n) swung his arm down signalling the command.

"FIRE!" The cannons roared to life expelling balls of energy towards the flaming rocks breaking them into sizzling ash. The volley of balls of energy impacting the meteors cracking them into pieces.

All except for one. 

One energy blast barely grazed the meteor inflaming it in a blue glow as it propelled itself towards the ship.

More shots were fired at the meteor all missed until it struck the ship.

"Brace yourselves!" (Y/n) shouted but it was too late. The meteor imploded into the side of the ship destroying a cannon and it's crew and throwing splinters everywhere.

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