I walk into class to see Hermione and Harry talking, I go to sit by them when I feel someone's hand grasp around my wrist. I look over to see Ron.
"Do you have a minute?" He questions, I shake my head.
"Class is about to start Ron." I say, clearly annoyed but he doesn't stop trying.
"Please Maya, just one minute." He begs, I sigh.
"Fine, one minute but that's it." I say and he smiles, we start heading for the door and I feel someone watching us leave. I turn my head to see who it is before I exit the room completely and I see Draco staring in frustration. I smile to myself and Ron stops me from walking further away from the door.
"Ok, I just wanted to apologize for last night.. I know that you saw me talking with Hermione, but I just wanted to make sure she was ok." Ron explains to me.
"It's fine Ron, I know that you like her. And I think you two are cute together and she really likes you, please don't waste your time on me and go be with the one you actually want to be with." I tell him and he shakes his head.
"You're right, I do like Hermione. But not that way, as a friend. And Maya, I like you as more than a friend." He says, my lips part ways. I don't know what to say to him, I could have sworn that he said he liked Hermione more but maybe I just heard incorrectly.
"I'm not sure what more I can do to convince you that I like you Maya." He responds.
"I-" I start when the door opens and Draco stands in the doorway.
"Class is starting, come on Maya." Draco says and Ron just stares at him weirdly.
"She'll be in in a minute." Ron answers for me.
"Maya can speak for herself dimwit." He angrily states.
"What did you just call me!?" Ron raises his voice at Draco and starts acting tough.
"Guys stop, you're being immature. Ron, Draco's right, I can speak for myself. And Draco, I'll be in soon, just tell the Professor that I'm speaking with Dumbledore please." I demand, Draco nods and shuts the door without saying another word. Ron turns back towards me.
"What's up with him?" Ron questions.
"It doesn't matter, what does matter is finishing this conversation so I can get to class." I say. Ron tilts his head to the side a bit with his left eyebrow cocked up.
"Wait, is he who you disappeared with last night before coming back to Hermione and I?" Ron asks me, and I pause.
"Why should it matter? You were with Hermione." I answer.
"But we didn't do anything but talk." He says.
"Yeah, Draco and I only talked as well." I say back.
"You just admitted to being with Draco. I thought you guys hated each other, please don't tell me things have "changed" just because I was talking with Mione." Ron states in anger once again.
"I'll have you know that Draco and I's friendship has nothing to do with you and Hermione-"
"Friendship?! You guys are friends now, huh!?!?" He exclaims.
"What has gotten into you Ron? Who I choose to be friends with should not be your problem, and Draco is not a bad person. My past accusations were false, and I realized that after our conversation last night. And even after this argument, you still don't want me to be friends with Draco than I guess.. I guess I can..." I trail off, do I really want to lose Ron just to keep a friendship that probably won't last with Malfoy? It just seems foolish and unnecessary.
"Then I guess I can stop being his friend, if that's really even what you can call us." I say and his face lights up.
"You'd do that for me?" He questions.
"Of course I would." I respond and he smiles at me, causing me to blush.
"That's what I want, only because I know how Malfoy acts. He gets close to you, traps you and then leaves you to suffer." He says and I nod.
"I know." I answer sadly.
"Ok, now you should get to class. I'll see you later." He says and starts to walk away.
"Wait," I begin and he turns back towards me. Without thinking I walk up to him and I press my lips against his, and without hesitation he kisses me back. I pull away quickly and I flash a quick and small smile before walking into my class and sitting next to Hermione.
"Where did you go? And why did it take you so long?" She asks me.
"I was just talking to Dumbledore, it's not important." I answer and I bring my attention to the Professor. I lick my lips as the sweet taste of Ron's lips linger on mine. But as I try to think about Ron and I's kiss, a certain someone with blond hair sneaks into my mind. I bring my eyes to Draco and he's looking at the Professor, concentrating deeply on him. Which honestly is so attractive.. What!? No. I push Draco out of my mind and I focus on the spell we are learning currently.
Hiiii, I just wanted to say sorry for the long wait for this part. I couldn't think of what to write and this is what I came up with. I know it's short and not that good lmao. Please suggest ideas for chapter 8 and maybe just stuff for future chapters that you guys would like to see because I need ideas. Anyways, thank you guys for reading my story and I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

Unforgettable (D.M.)
FanfictionMaya doesn't like Draco, she hates the whole Malfoy family because of their reputation. But Draco has always had feelings for Maya since year one but he shows his affection with flirty comments. Maya never imagined herself falling for the blonde hea...