Chapter One.

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There were many things that made someone have anxiety. I couldn't really remember the last time fully when I had an attack but they did happen. I was a regular human being and I had the flaws that were public. Sometimes those things got out and it made me...not want this life anymore. 

I have tried so hard to get to this point in my life you'd think I wouldn't care that a single human being didn't like how I dressed. Or how I looked. 

It was hard being under so much pressure. I sort of understood what I was getting myself into when I signed up to be a part of the Julie of the Phantoms but these fans were becoming very...toxic. 

Charlie always had this positive outlook to them but I can see right through him. He hates the hate everyone gets which none of it would make sense. We all are this way because of the fans. We are loved and hated in the same room. 

We finally get to the store. I lock the truck and then follow Charlie into the small grocery store. I get a cart. I put a wipe onto the handle just because I could hear my mom's expressive tone. 

"Owen Patrick you put that moist towlet on that handle or you aren't going shopping at all." 

We go straight to the eggs and bacon that was on the list and then we make our way down the aisles. We are strolling casually when we hear a small scream at the same time. 

Charlie furrows his eyebrows and then we slowly turn around. 

"Owen and Charlie?!" a girl that maybe is fourteen is on the other end of the aisle and she seems very sweet as she welcomes us to her, "how are you guys?"

She acted like we were old friends and I do love those types of encounters, "oh hey. We are doing great. Just got a list from my ma."

"Yeah Owen has to have adult diapers," Charlie puts his arm around my shoulder jokingly. I shove it off and begin to give him a wet willy. 

"I do not, you little creepy."

I turn back to her laughing and she shakes her head, "you guys fight like brothers. I love it," she replies and she stands there nervously. 

"Would you maybe want a picture?" I ask her and she hands Charlie her phone. Charlie takes it and then is confused on how to do it. She says she is to nervous and she apologizes. The poor girl. We are only actors not God. I rub her back a little and then we all smile at the small phone held out by Charlie. 

Charlie gives her the phone back and then asks her, "are you from Norman too?'

"I am actually from the city. I heard you guys were in the town for the holidays. I am sorry usually I don't go over here but I-you just mean so much to me."

I pull up my mask a little bit more then I hug her, "no of course, please. You all are what makes us the best we could be."

We part our ways then Charlie and I go to the checkout stand. We stand around as we wait to pay. Charlie insists on pushing the cart so he does. As we go down the little slide that goes down the parking lot we are greeted again. Charlie takes the lead this time and we take a group picture this time around. 

When I turn to walk away with him I notice a girl with dark hair has fallen on the ice and she has red raining boots that definitely don't have good enough traction. I walk quickly to her and then grab one of her arms, "hey are you okay?"

"Oh hey. thank you so much," she and I make eye contact and she smiles as I help her up steadily, "thank you again. Happy holidays!"

Something didn't seem right. I am in a small town and everyone knows me here. There is one billboard and for months I was the only thing up there. Plus the rest of the band too but could tell it was me.

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