Chapter Three.

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There are moments in this life where time stops and it feels like you are with someone forever. In these moments you could swear that no one else around you matters to you.This one person is the most important person to you whether you decide it or not. It is obvious that this person means a lot to you but you couldn't tell it in that moment.

You find yourself talking with this person for hours and it may seem for minutes. The conversations flow so easily and the laughter escapes your lips so fondly that it shouldn't matter who you were with but what you were doing. 

I was feeling that when I sat down at the swing set with Montana. Her laughter penetrated me with silence and I felt it in my heart I knew this girl from somewhere. I knew her but I couldn't put my finger on it. Maybe in a past life we met or maybe we were suppose to be here for a reason. 

I was supposed to meet her here....

I see her looking at me and without a doubt there has to be the same thought in her mind. Are we about to kiss? I don't even know this girl. I wouldn't just kiss a random stranger...would I? Right when I almost decided to lean in here comes the pain in the ass himself. 

Charlie harks me up by my neck and started to play wrestle at the set. He takes his arm between my elbows and pull I had to call him out on it and when we both straighten out I look over at Montana who is smiling at us. 

Charlie and I have always had this friendship from the day we met on set. We were one in the same and there was no denying it. He was creative, fun to be around even when I hated to admit it, and luckily for him he had some good advice. 

Montana got up from her spot and then made her way over to me, "you are something else Mr. Owen Joyner. You weren't what I expected."

"Really?" I asked and then smiled a little as I got shy, "what did you expect me to be?"

"Not as funny as you are, a complete nerd, and yeah other things but you are really great," Montana reaches up to me and gives me a hug. I don't hug her back at first because I have no clue what she means by what she just said but eventually I give in and hug her back tightly. When she lets go she slips something in my pocket then walks away smiling. 

Charlie and I start to walk over back to the truck and he is giving me a look. That look of confusion and desperation of wanting to know something. He got in the truck fast as I make my way in, buckle up my seatbelt and start the truck. I feel his stare even harder and so I turn to him harshly, "what do you even want, Chuck?"

"First of all....only my grandma calls me Chuck," he gets off topic about how she actually calls him her little baby chuck then talks about how he doesn't think he is a baby and thinks it's weird that we all get weird nicknames from our relatives. Finally he gets back into track, "And second of all.....What did she give you?'

"I don't know. Probably money of some sort. it was probably for charity," I say as I look into the rearview mirror to see if anyone is behind me. I put the truck into reverse and I feel him digging around in my pocket, "what the hell?"

Charlie gets the thing that was in my pocket and he laughs as he reads, "holy shit dude. She gave you her number."

"Really?" I ask him almost in disbelief. 

"All seven digits if you remember this area code," Charlie says as he stuffs it back in my pocket. 

I shake my head and then start backing up. Once it gets to a full send I put It into drive and make my way out of the parking lot, "even if it was I shouldn't text or call her yet."


"Three day rule bro."

Charlie chuckled hard and then pushed my arm, 'that's a bullshit stereotype, man and you know it. If you don't text her later....I will."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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