Chapter 3

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November 17 , 2019  . 

Nae POV 

" Let me get up and go meet these people " I said .

I went in the bathroom and did my morning routine . After I did that I went to my closet to pick something to wear . 

" I need to go to the mall and get some chill clothes cause this not it ." I said .

After 5 minutes I decided on a outfit .

                                  I walked outside making sure to lock my door and all of that stuff

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I walked outside making sure to lock my door and all of that stuff .

I made it to her house in 10 minutes . Going the speed limit I would of made it in 20 minutes so I drove like i was in GTA . 

I walked to her door and knocked because I left my key she gave me . 10 seconds later she came to the door . 

" That's why you shouldn't leave your key ." Pooh said . 

" Girl shut up and let me in ." I said . 

She let me in and I walked to the living room . Before I could even walk in fully somebody said something to me . 

" Wassam my name is Draco but you can call me Tre  ." a boy came up and said . 

" Dang Tre let her sit down first ." Pooh said . 

" I wish yo bald headed ass will stop talking to me ." he said stank facing Pooh .

" Anyways the one over there is my boyfriend shooter , the one who is mugging you is Saint and this is my best friend Nae ." Pooh said introducing them .

" You got a problem ?" I ask Saint cause he was mugging me hard . 

He just kept on mugging me not saying nothing . 

Tre came and sat down beside me smiling ear from ear . 

" He don't really talk to people and he is rude as fuck ." said Tre whispering in my ear . 

" Well he done met his match but anyways why you so close ion like that ." I said while mugging him . 

" You my best friend what you talking about ." Tre said . 

" Boy you ain't even known her for 5 minutes talking about some best friend ." said Pooh . 

" I said what I said . Now best friend lets go get something to eat ." Tre said . 

I thought about it cause I am hungry . I could eat some pizza with wings . 

" Y'all know I love me some pizza with wings ." said Tre . 

" Me too ." I said while we stared at each other for 10 seconds then bust out laughing . 

" Come on lets go then ." Tre said while standing up . 

" Y'all want something ?" I asked them . 

They told me what they wanted and me and Tre walked out the door . When I say they I mean Pooh and Shooter .

" Let me drive I always wanted to drive a Jeep ." said Tre . 

I looked at him for a second before throwing him my keys . Let him wreck my shit it's gone be me and him . We both got in and he took his phone out. 

" Y'all my bestfriend let me drive her car ." He said being extra .

I flip the camera off " Get that camera out my face ." I said while laughing .

The rest of the ride was filled with jokes and laughs .

We made it back and I gave them their stuff they ask for .

" Bestfriend I knew you looked familiar. " said Tre .

" What you talking about ?" I asked confuse .

" You're famous for singing and some other things . " said Tre .

" Yep that's me but y'all I'm about to leave see y'all when I see y'all ." I said .

I went to hug Pooh but Tre jumped in front of me hugging me first .

" Boy let me hug my best friend . " said Pooh .

I hugged Pooh and dapped shooter up . Saint looking at me and mugged .

" When his face get stuck I'm gone be laughing ." I said while walking out the door .

I got in the car and drove home . Can't wait to get my baby tomorrow .

Voteeeee !

                      (  Shooter )

                         (  Tre  )

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                         (  Tre  )

                     (   Saint   )

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                     (   Saint   )

                     (   Saint   )

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