Kind of Inspiration Pic

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Hey guys! 

Just dropping this here by request! <@  @Vic_Carol  

I don't like to post these at the beginning of the books for people that prefer what they see in their mind. But I don't mind putting them at the end. At lease one had a choice that way. 

And as to why it took until now to post this, well, I had to find something close to what I see for Kornae. It's difficult because he isn't human. I know, neither are the vampires. But they were, once. 

What I see when I think of Kornae isn't exactly something that I can put into words, though, I hope some of those reasons are described in the books. The almost glowing skin, the colors that occur naturally, though they would never be found in humans. 

So, what I am going to post is... close.

It's a terrible quality pic, please forgive me. 

After a solid hour of staring at blond men, this guy showed up and he made me happy that I came as close as I did. 

In my mind, his hair is a little thicker, a little shorter, spiky, if you will,  and his eyes are dark blue. His face shows a little more age, but keep in mind, the Aos Si are immortal and their bodies don't age like ours. I honestly think this is as good as I'm going to get. 

I really hope you guys think this does him justice!

I really hope you guys think this does him justice!

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I'll see you all in the next book!

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