Chapter 21: Special Dinner

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Moonbyul POV

We're at Jin and Jisoo house. We're having Cousin's Meeting.

"Guys I'm bored!"

"Same here," Jisoo said

"We should have a sleepover tonight !" Jin said and look at Jisoo. He's waiting for Jisoo's answer.

"Again?" Jisoo raised her brows.

"Of course!" Jin claps twice, "It's always fun right, Moonbyul?"

Jin look at me with full of forceful faces and I smile awkwardly and stuttered, "U-um...of course! It's always fun."

"Told you!" Jin said making Jisoo glaring at him

"SO! You two will invite your girlfriend or whatever." Jin decided wand we nodded

"Good! Then me, I'll invite Jimin and Namjoon or maybe yoongi too." Jin said.

"You're not going to invite Chaeyoung and Lisa? They might be killing you if you didn't invite them." Jisoo said making Jin flinch.

"U-uh good idea! This is the only reason to make them stop scolding me!" Jin stuttered

"Why? Did you make them scold you?!" Jisoo surprised and he slowly nodded

"Wow! Wow! Wow!" Jisoo clapping her hand while dancing happily, "They're the Tiger Couple, you didn't know about that huh?"

"Of course I never know about that..." Jin pout, "But I bet Jennie is more tiger than them"

"Oh" Jisoo stops dancing and lowers her head down.

"I knew it!" Jin said making us expect Jisoo laughed

"Anyways, I'll get going now. I have a big project need to do so I see you tonight then." I said and they nodded.


Jisoo POV

"I should just tell Moonbyul how the dinner worked up," Jin tease

"YAH! Don't tell her! It's just between us, remember! Or I tell her about yours too?" I glare at him

"I'm just teasing you, okay!" Jin laugh


"Hi, nice to meet you again" Mom welcome as Jennie and I arrive at the dining table

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Kim." Jennie politely bow

"Just call me, Mom" Mom pleased

"Sure, Mom." Jennie bow again

"Okay, let's stop with this drama." I intrude their conversations

"Oh, you still here! I thought you're gone. By the way, Jennie. May take a seat." Mom offers a hand to help Jennie to seat

"Hey, I'm here too!" I pout

"You're still here?! Take a sit" Mom ignores me and continue to help Jennie

I roll my eyes and got myself sat next to Jennie.

We're having a special dinner with my family right now. Jin was fetching his boyfriend so he will be late a little. and Tae Hyung said that he's going to be late too. So it's only me, Jennie, and my parents.

"So? Why didn't you tell us?" Dad spoke and that question surprised me a lot. They must be planning for me to tell them!

"Because you guys had no time to talk with me" I replied

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