(1) Meet The New Hire

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Bucky Barnes one of the three CEOs of BRW had been in Tokyo for the last two weeks working with one of their business partners there. He recuperated from the jet lag in two days and returned to work. While he was working on a new contract to liquidate a new business endeavor.

His two other business partners Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson came in.

"Morning." Bucky said

"Morning Barnes." Sam said

"Morning Buck." Steve said

They stared at him as he didn't even look up. He finally raised his head.

"What?" He said

"Well you know how you were in Japan. And Betty from PR quit?" Sam said

"I do. Did you take care of it? Or do I need to?" Bucky said

"We took care of it. And have already replaced her." Steve said

"Good. Cause I hate interviews. So who is the new public relations employee?" Bucky said

Steve stepped to do the door and motioned for someone to come in. A tiny gorgeous blonde walked into the office.

"Meet Ms Aubrianna O' Connor. Ms O' Connor this is James Barnes." Sam said

"Hi Mr Barnes nice to meet you." She said

Bucky stood up and walked over to her. He shook her hand "Nice to meet you Ms O'Connor. I hope they have shown you around and showed you to your office." He said

"Yes sir." She said

"Good good..it was a pleasure meeting you. You may go back to your office now. And by the way please try and keep the current lawsuit out of the papers." He said as she was about to leave.

"Yes sir." She said as she walked out.

Once she was gone he looked at the two of them. "You know just because I like gorgeous women doesn't mean you have to hire all of them that walk through the door." Bucky said

"That's not why we hired her. We are happily married men. She was the only one that came in with real qualifications." Sam said

"Yeah. She has two degrees from Brown University. A degree in public relations and a minor in journalism. She did a year working for the LA times after she graduated from Brown. She moved back here three months ago. I'm sure she can handle cleaning up your press messes you get us in." Steve said

"Whatever." He said

"She's currently working on re vamping our website. She's been here a week Barnes." Sam said

"Okay well hopefully she does her job well. So we will see I guess." He said as he sat back down.

Sam and Steve took seats as they began to discuss the liquidation of one of the business deals they have. Aubrianna was back in her house re-doing their website to make it more business savvy and appealing to other investors.

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