(23) Confessions & Bling

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Three months later 

It was Winnie's birthday on August 20th. Bucky and Aubrie were on their way to his parents house. 

"No..I'm not doing it Brie. Not on her birthday..she doesn't need that on her birthday." He said as he drove through NY traffic.

"James Buchanan. You said the same thing last month when it wasn't even her birthday. You said no I can't not today it's such and such day. Baby your family needs to know that they are associating themselves with a child molester! What if she has tried with one of your nephews?! You said Campbell had Brody when he was 20 and you were what 10. You said it when on with you for two years so when you are 15 that makes Brody 5..it's been over twenty years James." She said 

Bucky looked down. 

"Okay fine..you win. But if she starts crying I'm blaming you for ruining her birthday." He said 

He was quiet the rest of the drive to his parents. They had fettuccine Alfredo with shrimp the night was going well. It made Winnie miss the old days before her kids grew up and moved away and started their own families. Bucky found his dad.

"Hey dad..I um there is something that I need to..confess to you and mom." He said as tears welled in his blue eyes. 

"Son what's wrong?" James said 

"I just actually I think it needs to be addressed with the whole family. It's something that I've been hiding for a longtime." He said 

"Okay..I'll get everyone to the living room." James said 

"Thanks dad.." he said as they went separate ways. 

Bucky poured himself a big shot of whiskey and took the shot did another one for good measure. He sat down beside Aubrie who held his hand. 

"You can do this I'm right here..besides Dr Chaplin said you had to do this." She whispered in his ear.

James was the last one to comeback into the living room with a beer. Bucky took a deep breathe in. 

"Um I've kept this secret for over 20 years..because I was scared. But um mom I lied when I said that I couldn't find the streamers at first and that's why it took so long to find them when I helped you decorate for the holiday party at your office when I was 15..the reason why it took a little longer..is b-b-b because Mara um she forced a blow job on me..and um...that's why I hid the rest of the night..she wouldn't stop..and she found me in the storage closet..during the party she was drunk..and she raped me..for two years even after I tried to find ways to get away like going to dads office after school...I can't stand brunettes because of Mara..that's why sometimes it seems like I'm detached from you." He said 

James closed his eyes as tears rolled. Winnie was shaken to the core as she processed everything. 

"James son..why? Why didn't tell me when you asked me if you could start staying at the office with me I thought you just wanted to spend more time with me. You could of told me the truth..I knew something was wrong..you became closed off. You no longer were yourself..we noticed something was wrong but you kept saying you were fine." James said in a calming tone as he cried.

Bucky looked down.

"Mom you are being quiet.." Brandon said 

"I need to speak to my son alone please.." she said 

Everyone cleared out. She sat beside Bucky she made him look at him. 

"I know that wasn't easy. And my sweet baby boy I knew something was wrong I would hear you at night crying. Especially on nights we had big dinner parties and everything. I wish you had told me the truth back then baby. I know that you were scared and confused but baby my kids are my pride and joy. You are my last baby boy and I would do anything to protect you. All you had to do was come to me." She said as she hugged him. 

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