(11) "I'm Out"

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Two weeks later 

Aubrianna made her way down the long hall way to the CEOs offices. They were all three in Bucky's office. Kathy let her in and she slid in behind her. They all three looked at her. 

"I just came to tell you all..that I quit. So I've finished cleaning out my office so I'm gonna go." She said 

"Aubrianna why?" Sam said 

"It's for the best. I can't be here..besides I've reconnected with some old college buddies and we opened up our own PR firm. So yeah goodbye.." she said and left. 

Once the door was closed. 

"So Anyways..we need to change this percentage here." Bucky said as he pulled the pen off his ear and marked out what he didn't like and wrote what he wanted. 

Steve and Sam just stood there staring at him. He finally looked up. 

"What? We have a business to run." He said 

"You did this. She was the best Public Relations person we have had since we started ten years ago!" Sam said 

"And there will be another. If she wants to quit and act like a baby then let her. I don't care..this right here this whole business has been my dream. It's all I've ever wanted..I don't need love or kids or marriage that's always been you all." He said 

Sam shook his head. "I don't know if it's because you some how have become this rich business mogul but you have got this ego that is like a pig headed selfish person. And if it wasn't for the fact that I have a share in this business I'd quit too." Sam said 

"Ditto." Steve said 

Bucky shook his head as he went back to contract. That Saturday night for her birthday everyone but Bucky was at Peggy's house. She had been sipping on water all night. 

Nat sat beside her. "How far along?" 

"What?" She said 

"You can't fool me. I've three kids with Matt. Peggy has two with Steve, Bobbi and Clint have two Wanda and Slate have two. Sam and Nicole have three. I've been around enough pregnant women to know besides I'm a Ob/Gyn..how far along?" Nat said 

"12 weeks.." she said 

"Does he know?" Nat said

"No..and he isn't going to know. He doesn't want this life the white picket fence family life. Just like Jay something else is always more important. So I'll raise him or her alone until I find the one that I know I can trust. Which is hard to do when you have been burned..even at 2. My real dad left me and my mom when I was 2. He left for work one day and never come back. Later my mom got divorce papers.  Now here I am 28 and a single mom..but it's okay. Because I don't need a man.." she said as she wiped tears. 

Nat held her hand. "Come to my office for appointments." She said 

"Ok.." she said 

After she left the party Nat told the others about the baby. Both Steve and Sam were floored. 

Her two old college buddies Megan Kason and Jana Brooks joined her in the waiting room their first official morning of running KBO Public Relations firm. Over at BRW Co Bucky got the sense that everyone was mad at him more than before. 

"What have I done now?" Bucky said 

"Nothing. Just being your usual asshole self." Sam said as he sat there in the conference room. 

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