goodbye irisviel, ending

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hay guys, this is the end of fate zero. hope you enjoyed it, tomorrow i will be starting fate stay night(unlimited blade works)


today was the day, a day i was going to hate. but ultimately i can do nothing about it. today was the day i no longer had irisviel as my master. today was the day that i had to serve under kiritsugu, and the day where i can no longer protect her.

getting up from the chair that i was sitting in, i popped my back from how uncomfortable it was. i started to walk over to the kitchen and cooked us up a meal to eat. when i was done i woke up sakura. and brought her to the table to eat.

(sakura): papa, why do you seem sad?

(y/n): well you see, i think that i will be gone in a couple of days. 

(sakura): so you will be leaving me...

(y/n): yes, but one day i might come back. it depends on if i am summoned.

(sakura): i hope i can see you again papa.

(y/n): you will, you will.

getting up from the table i go into the store house at which i knew that irisviel will be at. finding kiritsugu close to her.

(y/n): so master... you dont look so good.

(irisviel): ohh.. hay ruler..

(y/n): hello master.

(irisviel): yah, but you knew that didn't you. you always kept a bit away from me, you knew that i was going to die soon.

(y/n): yes master i did, but what is to come of me when you are gone.

(irisviel): i will give your command seals to kiritsugu, just like i gave avalon.

(y/n): are you sure that his mana will be okay with two servants on it.

(irisviel): he now has avalon, so his mana is great.

(y/n): okay master, i guess i will have to say goodbye. im not sure i will see you again master.

(irisviel): yes, goodbye ruler

a red light envelopes the room as the command seals are transferred to kiritsugu. when it is done i see that my command seals are on his arm now. turning to kiritsugu to talk to him.

(y/n): i will leave the room, you need to be with her alone

i leave the room, i may be just a servant. but i was still kinda attached to irisviel. she was a good person, if only she could have lived more than just till the war.

kiritsugu leaves the room asking maiya to watch after irisviel for him. and looks over to me.

(kiritsugu): ruler, where is saber.

(y/n): father is going after rider, they are supposed to fight soon.

(kiritsugu): okay, ruler go find her. i will go kill tohsaka.

(y/n): as you wish kiritsugu.

i go into my spirit form and walk around not really wanting to go anywhere. but i leave to convince kiritsugu that i am gone.

but when i get back to the store house i find things broken. finding maiya on the ground hurt a lot. and father standing close.

(y/n): father, what is going on?

(father): rider. rider did this.

(y/n): i dont think he did father... and shes gone

father is already going on a motorcycle. and kiritsugu comes in the room. finding maiya, who was. on her deathbed.

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