Prologue in a way.

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"Come on. Its time you go to bed. What good night story do you want to hear?"

"About grandpa and how he freed the End."

"Alright. Lay down and listen closely to what I will tell you.

Your grandfather was an amazing man and king. He always what was good and bad. When he grew up his father, oh he was a stupid man, had contracts with the Nether and the End. While growing up your grandfather saw the problem The End will try to take over of our kingdom one day it grew stronger and stronger and so your grandpa took it into his own hands. He led us to victory. Prisoned the royal family of the End. Just like we, they have special abilities.. But the war had its cost a bloody fight. The Endcreatures are cruel and would eat you alive. Uncivil on a new level Powers like teleporting and creating a ring of poison around you helped them but as you know we also have our powers and everyone used them wisely.

Your grandpa, god bless him, knew that and still fought against them. After the war he prisoned and then separated the royal family just to kill them all except the king. You have to know the royal family can transform into a dragon and that knew your grandpa. So he threatened the dragon to kill his family if he doesnt do as he says so... and oh wonder the stupid creature did It went well till the dragon died.

Suddenly the monsters were trying to fight. Some saying the new king, the new king over and over again. One of the royal brats survived. Again your grandfather had to lead us into war. Again it was a bloody fight but this time.... he fought with the new king. In the middle of the fight they both got nearer and nearer to the void not realising the danger and when the dragon attacked they stumbled over the edge. Your grandpa was about to die... but he wont die without dragging the king of the End also into death. He cut off his wings.

The evening I saw him the last time... he told me that my son will be our hero Dream... you will win this war and put the Endcreatures into their place

Unknown to us the king of End also got a kid. A boy. Blonde hair.. he married a beautiful woman they say. and got three boys And one of them will be yours some day Since the day your grandfather died we are still at war. Not fighting but no one dares to go into the other kingdom except for this foolish Endmonsters... Some are coming to us. Acting like us trying to live in our kingdom. They have purple eyes Dream and purple eyes are-"

"BAD!" Chirps the young boy in. Gaining a smile from his mother.

"Yea they are bad Every year we will make a hunt onto them and soon you can join now sleep. you need it my little hero."

A soft kiss on his forehead.

"Make me proud son"

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