~ Two ~

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Soon after Haruka threw her fit all of the girl's decided to go back to bed, well, all except Mei, she was sitting on the upper half of the staircase, her legs dangling between the banister on the side, staring down at the entrance of the manor as she watched the butler open the front door and all six boys entered, only the triplets were speaking, Ayato and Liato were murmuring, and Kanato was giggling shortly after he raised his teddy bear to his ear, Subaru was stomping off towards the direction of the living room, and Reiji towards the kitchen, Shu was gone in a quick flash, most likely teleportation based on what Mei had noticed of their peculiar ways.

She watched them with a blank face as she raised another cookie to her mouth, and chewed silently, Ayato mentioned something about going to the game room, and Kanato seemed to want to tag along, Liato, however, headed towards the stairs, he noticed her almost immediately and she just stared over at him, waiting for him to pass her, he, however grinned over at her, his bright green eyes glimmering playfully.

"Hello, bitch-chan." He spoke and she tilted her head at him, "Hi...Liato." She spoke quietly, stuffing another cookie in her mouth and brushing crumbs from her mouth with the sleeve of her shirt, "Did you miss me?" He asked, his grin widening and she met his gaze unflinchingly, her gray eyes seemed to tear through to his soul, despite the absolute blankness to which they always held.

He halted for a moment, looking at her in a strange way, "No." She answered bluntly, turning to look over at the door again, he followed her gaze and then shot her a fake pout, "You don't like me, bitch-chan?" He cooed, getting closer to her with every word, she didn't seem the least bit responsive as any person in their right minds would.

"You want to hurt me." She explained, and he sat down next to her, his fedora making a shadow over his eyes, "Oh, I do." He leered, his grin turning into a partial smirk, "I also want to make you feel veerrry good...." He purred, and she looked over at him, confusion written in her gaze, "Are you a masochist?"


She shrugged at his baffled expression and climbed to her feet, "How can you make me feel good if you hurt me?" She pressed, he was surprised that the dirty joke was not understood, "Are you a virgin, bitch-chan?" He snickered, and she cocked her head, "Yes."

Turning on her heel she strolled off, "Where are you going?" He called after her, she shrugged, not turning back, "To take a nap."

Miyu peeked around the hall corner as she heard snickers and chuckles from the game room a few doors down, she had narrowly escaped being seen, all part of her usual spy game she played by herself, she grinned mischievously to herself, muffling her giggle with her hand, and darted down another turn opposite to the direction of the triplets, or at least two of the three.

The blue fabric of her nightgown moved with her as she crept farther down the hallway, and she tucked a loose strand of blonde hair behind her ear, when she heard footsteps approaching, close to rounding the corner her eyes grew wide and she looked to her left, pressing back against the wall, she wouldn't make it around the corner, even at a fast pace, before whoever it was came into view, and with her luck it might have been Ayato or Subaru - neither liked her very much, or at all.

She caught sight of a door knob in the moonlight streaming in through one of the many windows and dashed towards it, hoping to God it was unlocked, luck was on her side as she managed to clumsily shut the door behind her before whoever it was saw her, she knelt down, peeking through the keyhole to see who it was as she clutched her chest tightly, trying to steady her racing heart.

As pant clad legs passed she tilted her head and caught sight of a pocket watch dangling from the inside of the person's jacket, it was Reiji she realized, best not let him know she was out and about, he was too stressed, in her opinion, to understand her fun, in fact, she believed everyone should relax a little and everyone would get along swimmingly, however, she was not yet ready to push that change on them, she had to gain their trust first.

"What a troublesome woman."

Miyu let out a loud squeak, bolting around, she was in a music room, she realized, a piano sat against one wall, while a desk was next to her by the door, by the left wall were many instruments, a sleek violin, a flute, and other instruments she couldn't name for the life of her, there was a slit window horizontally spread out towards the ceiling above a black couch, that held none other than Shu Sakamaki, the eldest brother.

She relaxed slowly, though she kept up against the door, "Shu, I didn't see you there." She giggled, and he grunted, "Shh..." He murmured, and she tilted her head, "How was school?" She questioned, skipping over to the piano bench and pressing one of the keys thoughtfully, "Troublesome." He muttered tiredly.

"I always quite liked school, you could make friends, go to choir, I was the best in my drama class - according to my teacher, anyway." She mused, "I never much liked cafeteria food, do you pack your lunch or..." She trailed off, "You eat people food too, right?" She was curious, and one of his eyes flickered open, staring at her dully, "You won't go away, will you?"

"Nope!" She popped the p, "It's all part of my game, I can't get caught." She laughed, and he sighed, his eye slowly sliding shut, "Can you play?" He asked, and it took her a moment to realize he was talking about the piano, "Sure!" She replied giddily, and her fingers came down on the keys without any harmony, making a unpleasant array of sounds.

A moment later her wrists were caught in an icy grip, and she glanced up at Shu in surprise, though she smiled, "Enough of that." He sighed, "That answers that question." He murmured, she stood up, still smiling, "You have pretty eyes." She commented, and his lips curled into a smirk, "What a lewd woman, telling me how I look."

She tilted her head, "It's not lewd, plenty of people tell me I'm pretty, but they're not being perverts, in fact you'd have to be a pervert to think of it as perverted!" She giggled, pulling her wrists from his grip, "That means you're a pervert, Shu." She continued giggling, "Do you want to play with me?" She asked, with a child exuberance even most children didn't possess.

He was lying across the bench the moment she moved, his eyes closed, his earbuds in, "Too troublesome." He murmured, and she pouted, getting down on her knees, she grabbed his hand and tugged as if a child trying to wake her parent, "Please, Shu! Pretty, pretty, please!" She begged, using her weight to try and tug him off the bench.

Both his eyes fluttered open and fell on her, "You're begging." He noted, though their was some kind of gleam in his eye at the mention of it, and his lips twitched in amusement, "Come on! I'm bored, play with me!"

"Keep begging." He murmured.

"Shu! Please! I want to play spies!" She complained, still pulling, her feet planted on the ground, her head a few inches from the floor, and her back arched slightly to tug harder, he didn't budge, and she huffed, releasing him, "Shu - !"

She was pulled into him, resting across his chest, and he shushed her, "Sleep." He commanded quietly, his eyes shut, his breathing even, she glanced up at him, watching him for a long moment before resting her ear against his chest, she didn't hear anything, and slowly but surely her increasing boredom came in.

"Can we play spies now?"


"But Shu!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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