~ One ~

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Yuno Hitomi couldn't sleep, she was too anxious, too excited about her new discovery, or at least that's what she'd tell anyone who questioned the incident, she tossed and turned in bed, a large smirk on her face as she thought of everything she could and would do to find the boys' every tick.


She giggled, who knew that such fairy tale creatures would come true, she definitely hadn't, but she found it enthralling despite always being more of a werewolf girl herself, at least, from what the movies told her, sitting up she adjusted her mint green sleep shorts and white t-shirt, she wondered what the cute one was doing, what was his name again, she thought to herself.

"Subaru." She whispered, reminding herself of what the butler brother had informed her and all the girls of, he was a little shy, though he acted all tough, she giggled again, what a tsundere she thought, slipping on her black bunny slippers she crept out of her new bedroom and peeked down the long hall, maybe she could find his room, get to know him, or, at least, make him blush.

With that thought in mind she skipped down the left side of the hall, whistling quietly as she went, it was rather gloomy, she agreed with the hot headed girl, Haruka Kasume, it could use more color, black, red and more black just wasn't cutting it, they needed bright purples and exotic blues, maybe some shimmering pinks, anything but black, black, black, and for someone who preferred dark colors, that was saying something.

"Subaru!" She called, walking mindlessly through the halls, snickering at the thought of his flustered expression from earlier in the day when she had jumped onto him, it was the middle of the night, but surely he wasn't really sleeping, was he?

"He's not here."

The turquoise haired girl darted around to look at Hinata, wearing a dark blue teddy, Yuno frowned, "Where is he?" She asked, crossing her arms and pouting, Hinata shrugged, leaning against the wall, "I don't know, they all left a few hours ago, wearing funny outfits and Reiji was all 'schedule, schedule, schedule' it's kind of hot if I think back on it..." She seemed to go off into dreamland for a moment before blinking at the silence that followed her words, "So yeah, they're not here."

"Yeah, but where did they go? We have to find out, they can't kidnap us, forbid us from leaving and then disappear and just neglect us! I need attention, I need it, do you hear me!" This exclamation came from Haruka, wearing a pair of loose shorts and a spaghetti strap tank top, who was stomping in their direction down the hall with Rin to her left, wearing a peach colored, long sleeved, floor length night gown, the girl in question just rolled her eyes sleepily and tucked a stray piece of raven-black hair behind her ear, "I'm tired, why'd you wake me up?" She yawned, rubbing her eyes and gazing at the red head with annoyance.

"Didn't you hear me? They're neglecting us in our own prison!" She exclaimed.

Hinata let out a low whistle, "Sounds like someone's got a case of Stockholm syndrome." She teased, and Haruka merely glared, "So you're okay with this?" She demanded and Hinata shrugged, "Pretty much, yeah." She stretched uncomfortably, "Come on, let's go make coffee and figure out where they went, maybe it'll help get little miss psycho lover to bed." She ruffled Haruka's hair and strolled passed her, "Coming?" She yawned and Rin, Yuno, and Haruka followed after her.

As they reached the kitchen door Haruka froze, "Guys, do you hear that?" She whispered urgently and Rin rolled her eyes, "Ha ha, very funny." She grumbled, patting her chest self-consciously, "No, really - listen." She spoke in a hushed tone, their was dull clanging coming from the kitchen and Yuno stepped forward carefully, slowly pushing the door open, peeking through the crack she made in the door.

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