Yamaguchi T. --> Double Task

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Please dont come for me. This is over a time skip but i though it would be cute.

As the 2nd years were setting up, the 3rd years were helping the new 1st years some of there techniques.

They were waiting for there coach to show up since he was running late this morning. It was a bit unusual for him to be late but since it was his 3rd time they were okay.

As the captain set a spike to a first year the door slightly opens. They expect there coach so they all get together to say goodmorning only to be met with a small girl. Her light green hair falling in front of her face as the wind blows in a breeze. The captain smiles and approaches her.

"Hey cutie, what are you doing here" He brushes the hair out of her face and her cheeks turn a light pink. The rest of the boys watch as the captain picks up the little girl and spins her around.


"If she finds out i lost our daughter she is going to kill me!" He huffs as he continues on his way. He checks behind every wall to make sure she's not just hiding. He starts to panick and calls Tsukishima.

"Yes Tadashi?" He groans out.

"Sorry to wake you Tsukki, but uhm, i lost my daughter at the school" He hears a faint chuckle.

"Go ask the team to help you find her. The more people the better" Yamaguchi gasps as he made a valid point.

"Thank you Tsukki, Sorry for waking you." The two bid goodbye and Yams runs to the gym.

Throwing open the door huffing and puffing, his eyes meet his daughters.

"It seems you guys beat me to it" He chuckles heading over to the captain.

"Im guessing she belongs to you coach?" The captain smirked.

"Yes now shut up and hand her to me" The captain nods and attempts to remove your daughter, only she refuses to release his Jersey.

"It seems she grew a crush on our captain" The 2nd year blurts out making the rest of the team laugh.

"Fine, Your warming the bemch this morning then" Tadashi directs the captain to his now front row seat as he handles your daughter.

-Later during Lunch-

The team usually uses there lunch period to get some extra practice time.

Your daughter was running around staring at the boys. She was definitely keeping an eye on #1

The door slightly opens as you walk in. Grapsing the boys attention, they all stare causing you to blush. You wave as you make your way to where Yamaguchi is seated watching the team. He gets up to greet you.

"Hello beautiful" His hands slide around your waist as he gives you a passionate kiss. The team now whistling and clapping. You pull away blushing as Yams shoo's them off. Your daughter who finally noticed you comes running over.

"How did she behave?" He smiles and boops her nose.

"She was great like always"

"She has a crush on the captain!" the team shouted out. You laughed looking at the captain.

"Is that so?" The boy nods.

"Well then Tadashi, this means she should come hang with your boys more often" Yamaguchi scratches the back of his neck as he agrees.

You approach the door bidding the boys goodbye as they do the same.

"Your girlfriend is hot coach" Yams blushes before correcting him.

"She's my fiance" the team gasps and then hes bombarded with questions.

"How long have you been together?"

"When did you propose?"

"When did she give birth?"

"Are you high school lovers?"

He slows them down as they are now stuck on the topic of you.

"We started dating in my 2nd years at kurasuno, so we have been together for 8 years" The boys were shocked. They were now envious of there captains love story.

"She gave birth to our baby 3 years ago and i plan on making her my wife by the end of next year" He smiled as he thought about you walking down the aisle. The thought of you being his forever was living in his head rent free.
I hope you enjoyed this story. I thought Tadashi would make a great father so this has been sitting on my mind. Let me know if you want me to make a chapter like this for any of the othed characters.

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